Discussion: Kaepernick Has New Deal With Nike Despite Being Blackballed From NFL

Yes, I know. Giant corporation. Does some bad things. Wouldn’t be doing this if they thought it was bad for the brand.

But, they did it. They recognized what made Kaepernick special, and it wasn’t just what he could do on the field. They aren’t just using Kaepernick to sell more Nike gear, they are also using Nike gear and money to help Kaepernick sell his causes. They did it after locking in a 10-year contract with the NFL, so the owners that don’t like it when players get “uppity” won’t be able to avoid seeing swooshes everywhere.

And the boycotts from the keyboard commandoes? Those that do sometimes get on their feet aren’t wearing much Nike. It’s a big win for Nike if the trolls and racists and racist trolls aren’t showing the swoosh.

Companies that do what Nike just did are companies that will publicly oppose states who pass laws that discriminate against LGB+ persons. Don’t insist on a unicorn…