Angry petulant Tweet coming…(as soon as Donald Trump’s Clairol Blonde Hair Helmet has been carefully arranged and held in place with 3 entire cans of hairspray)…in 3, 2, 1…
This is good. Kaepernick is a brave patriot but a so-so QB–good deal.
I’m amazed that Nike would be this gutsy.
Aqua Net helmet?
He was good enough to take the Niners to the Super Bowl in less than a complete season. Good enough that SF traded away their long time starter, Alex Smith. He was good enough for the Niners to keep him around…UNTIL he began protesting the wave of Police Summary Executions and the protest caught on. Now, an arbitrator has ruled that he was unfairly denied the chance to compete for a QB job by the NFL Billionaire (White) Ownership Club.
Is next tweeting komrades: The fake sport wear industry gives a not playing quarterback a yuuge DEAL!! So unfair!! I play Golf all the time and nobody wants me to endorse their balls!!
American Treasure Colin Kaepernick. May this be the beginning of the end of the billionaire/conservatard NFL plantation, and the start of a new NFL that empowers players and fans.
Every professional sport in this country is a legalized monopoly. The one time MLB players had a choice to play in another league (founded in Mexico in the mid XXth Century), those who bolted were banned for life from the Major Leagues. Puerto Rico’s Luis Rodriguez Olmo, formerly CF for the Brooklyn Dodgers, was banned and became a professional golfer of some note well into his golden years. But look at the billions of TV and other revenue that the legalized sports monopolies generate in this country. Fat chance congress and the owners let this racket become democratized.
Fair enough. I was going by his relatively low completion %, and I had mis-remembered his interception % as higher than it actually was. I hope he can stick it to NFL owners in every way possible.
I wasnt arguing that he is HOF material. And I know he had issues with his coach and team before being demoted. And even that his success may have been a flash in the pan. But it is pretty clear the NFL owners colluded to deprive him of the chance to compete for a job. I fully expect Donald Trump to react to the Arbitration by claiming there is NO COLLUSION and the arbitrator is conducting a WITCH HUNT against the poor white NFL owners and the white folks who spend 12 hours in front of their TV every Sunday who do not want their food and sport orgy spoiled by having to think for a few minutes, less time than your typical TV Commercial, about The Problem of White Policemen Summarily Executing Black People.
All true. But as much as I enjoyed playing and watching football as a boy, it’s ruined for me now.
Except for Giants in Super Bowl, I haven’t watched since Barry Sanders retired.
The ownership, the authoritarian tendencies, the enforced conformity, the manipulative pr, the broken bodies, the CTEs, I can’t watch in good conscience. I wish Kaepernick’s contract had been guaranteed, so he could just walk away healthy and rich. I really hope the Nike thing will set him up financially; it would be poetic justice.
Some pointed this out on a NPR story, so if you’re in Austin check this out. It’a n exhibit of social justice meeting sports. Seems rather timely.
Fucktards nationwide are burning their sneakers lol.
This is truly genius on Nike’s part.
Kaepernick’s knee is on the RWNJs’ throats.
Quandary time! I hate Nike because of the East Asian sweat shops they run and their claim that they are allowed to lie in their advertisements about those sweat shops, also the fact that they are more interested in style than function of their shoes. But standing up for Colin is something that I greatly support and it pains me that now I have to give them credit for doing so.
Republicans have already started destroying their Nike gear -
There’s a comment on this article I’d also like to pass on because it provides some background information on why the athletes are kneeling instead of sitting down:
“Theadore Johnson is a retired navy officer, he said this, “When Kaepernick started his protest, he sat on the bench for the national anthem. At their request, he met with a group of military men. They understood what he was trying to do and so he asked them if there was a way to protest injustice while showing respect so they suggested that he kneel during the anthem, they said kneeling would show respect as it’s used by them as a position of respect in the armed services. For instance, they kneel when handing a flag to the family of a fallen hero. From that day on, he knelt, he knelt with the solidarity of his brothers in combat. He knelt because that’s what they told him to do. That is the origin of the protest and the level of respect shown to both sides that is not being reported.”
Agree with you.
Not enough to actually BUY something of theirs, but, respect none the less for this.
Yes, I know. Giant corporation. Does some bad things. Wouldn’t be doing this if they thought it was bad for the brand.
But, they did it. They recognized what made Kaepernick special, and it wasn’t just what he could do on the field. They aren’t just using Kaepernick to sell more Nike gear, they are also using Nike gear and money to help Kaepernick sell his causes. They did it after locking in a 10-year contract with the NFL, so the owners that don’t like it when players get “uppity” won’t be able to avoid seeing swooshes everywhere.
And the boycotts from the keyboard commandoes? Those that do sometimes get on their feet aren’t wearing much Nike. It’s a big win for Nike if the trolls and racists and racist trolls aren’t showing the swoosh.
Companies that do what Nike just did are companies that will publicly oppose states who pass laws that discriminate against LGB+ persons. Don’t insist on a unicorn…
I love this. I hope Spankee has a fit and falls in it over this.
Swoosh hug.
Fuck Tiger and fuck golf. hahahahahaha