Discussion: Justice Dept Withdraws Subpoena In House GOP Wall Street Leak Probe

Discussion for article #224399

How much did Grassley make?


But but… IRS! Benghazi! Um, um, Fast and Furious! Birth Certificate! ObamaCare! (any of this working?)


Congress a den of thieves and Wall Street, a stop and frisk free zone.

Any time those in DC tell us mere plebes that they don’t make their wealth from insider trading - can we call Dave Camp and Chuck Grassley to present their master class.


Insider trading in Obamacare being investigated for Benghazi veterans who used to work for the IRS but are now on Hilary Clinton’s staff.

That should do it.


Mark Hayes -
Registered lobbyist with Greenberg Traurig.
Seven years as Health Policy Director and Chief Health Counsel for the Senate Finance Committee republican staff for Chairman/Ranking Member Senator Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa).

Brian Sutter -
Interned for George W. Bush.
Senior member of Rep. Dave Camp’s (R-Michigan) staff.
Appointed to House Ways and Means Health Subcommittee 2013.

Approximately 15 minutes before the 4 p.m. market close that day, trading volume and stock prices of some health insurers likely to benefit from the increase “rose precipitously,” SEC attorney Amanda Straub wrote in Manhattan federal court papers filed on Friday.

For example, shares of Humana, the for-profit managed health care giant based in Louisville, “rose from $70.40 at 3:40 p.m. to $75.46 at 3:52 p.m., an increase of approximately 7%,” Straub wrote. The increase preceded the official rate announcement.


A lobbyist at international law firm Greenberg Traurig told investigators that he and Sutter talked about the pending rate announcement during an April 1, 2013, phone call that took place at approximately 3 p.m., the court filings show.

Sutter told investigators he did not recall such a discussion, the filings show.


Are we surprised? It’s been an open secret that some Republicans have been trading, or had traders working, from their Congressional offices.

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Grassley…hmmm. That name rings a bell for another near-scandal. Anybody remember Lois Lerner and the free dinner for Grassley’s wife?

Sounds like the kinds of favors he’s started to take for granted.

Who is in whose pocket, Chuck?


Amnesia! It’s the new GOTP disease!


The question now is Senator Grassley going to continue his investigation now that we know it wasn’t the White House who leaked but the Repuks. Seems he just got his ass bit for his political grandstanding


Brilliant, You win the inner tubes today !

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Fancy Brown MUSTARD!!!

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I am never amazed how corrupt political conduct themselves. political aides are just as bad as their masters

It was legal because it was done to hurt Obama. Any law may be broken in the cause of fighting TyRanNy!!! That’s the Higher Law. My pastor told me that Jesus approves because He hates Obambi and loves the second amendment and especially Open Carry! Go Cruz 16!!!

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Most of the Republicans in the Senate and Congress probably do their insider trading in dark pools or have insiders who front for them. Grassley and his minion/s were stupid enough to do it on the open market and get caught. In any case, these folk have some form of immunity from criminal activity. Moreover, since the R-A-T-S have declared money is free speech and corporations are people, bribery and insider trading particularly by politicians is probably protected by the First Amendment.

Insider trading is a serious federal offense, and Sutter’s tipping not only sets him up for jail time but means that all those who traded during the one-hour spike could face disgorgement and other legal liability. What is weird is that everybody knows the House Way and Means subcommittee on healthcare has long been a cesspool of Big Pharma and free-riding healthcare conglomerates.