Discussion: Justice Department To Announce Lawsuit Against City Of Ferguson

Discussion for article #245857

The mayor of Ferguson, Missouri, says there’s no … “There’s not a racial divide in the city of Ferguson,”


Move along…nothing to see here.

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Make the City of Ferguson PAY for failing to hold up to their end of the agreement.

Non-compliance is not an option!


The thing is, it’s possible they’ve got a point and that it really would be too expensive to implement. But if that’s the case, then they needed to go back to the Justice Department and explain themselves, including showing their calculations. It’s not like the DOJ is trying to drive Ferguson into bankruptcy, I’m sure. But instead, it’s like they just didn’t like being told what to do and decided to take things into their own hands.

And well…that’s not how this works. And now the city will have to pay for lawsuits it can’t afford, because they choose to do things the hard way instead of sucking it up and acting like grownups.


“You cant do this…promising not to abuse the justice system to milk the poor and minority communities with trumped up tickets, fines and court fees will bankrupt us!!!”

Raise taxes on wealthy whites, fucktards, and suck it. Hard. Here’s some military surpluss kneepads for free…