Double the number of felonies, so he’ll get double manafort’s sentence.
i “love” this timeline
Don’t forget Black (X2 multiplier) and gay (X1.5 multiplier).
Over under on a 47 month sentence???
I believe all of the felony counts are Class 4 felonies, which in IL carry a 1-3 year sentence, so if he’s convicted, and they’re concurrent, and the judge doesn’t decide, instead, to fine him and put him on probation (my guess), it would be 36 months, tops.
Can he borrow Manafort’s wheelchair and designer sage green jumpsuit?
If this guy is yesterday’s tease for indictment Friday, I am disappointed.
Well if Mr Smollett was seeking attention with what he did,if he gets convicted and goes to prison,he will get more attention than he could possibly imagine,and not in a good way.
He needs to go to Bible study class with Trump. He’ll be just fine.
Why he did what he did I have no idea. But, I’m willing to bet he’ll be convicted and put in jail for one stupid act. Unlike dear Manafort that was a career criminal and got off, so far, with a ridiculous sentence.
The continuing drought of racism and homophobia in America has driven people to desperate acts.
Giuliani will get off with 20; 25 years, tops.
Are thoss “Manafort years”? So 47 months, with seven months off for time served?
This feels excessive to me. I can’t justify putting him in jail while Manafort gets a light sentence.
Someone screwed up this headline… where does someone get a felony account?
16? That sounds like a lot.
Deutsche Bank
Watch how fast he gets more than 47 months. Watch.
16 Felony counts for filing 1 false police report?
I wonder if he’ll get more prison time than former CIA director David*-Betray-Us-* Petraeus? That’s right; David’s treason for passing classified intel to his mistress got him a misdemeanor for mishandling classified intel.