Discussion: Julian Castro To Howard Schultz: 'Think About The Negative Impact' Of A 2020 Bid

That was exactly my point. So it’s not my logic, it’s Castro’s logic. Which I was mocking. Try to keep up…

I am sick of trying to persuade you third-party types that there is such a thing a real-world problems with third parties in winner-take-all electoral systems such as ours. Sorry, we don’t have ranked choice or proportional representation in the federal elections in the United States. And we won’t without major constitutional changes that would be impossible under present circumstances.
As for effect of third parties under the federal system we DO ACTUALLY have:
Are you about the contributions of the so-called “Green” Party to our country? I refer of course to the needless and immoral Iraq War, the abandonment of any efforts to stop Climate Change, the right-wing Supreme Court, an increasingly right-wing federal judiciary, and countless attacks on the rule of law and our democracy under the GW Bush and Trump Administrations?
Because THAT’s the contribution to our country of the most obvious third party to become involved in federal presidential elections here.

Get over yourself. If you can’t speak to an issue rationally and see pluses and minuses without all kinds of spleen and moral outrage, you’re part of the problem.

No, you get over yourself. Identify ONE “plus” that third parties have done for this country.There really are none, no matter how well-intentioned, well thought out, or valiant. Some are admirable: Teddy Roosevelt was certainly admirable in running as a Progressive against both Taft and Wilson. But he failed, of course, and Wilson was elected. TR would possibly have been better than Wilson; he was certainly less racist. But even the good examples, like this, are examples of failure. There are many more examples where the third party candidate did nothing but divide the vote of people representing the same point of view as the third party professes, and thereby helped to elect the party representing everything the third party professes to stand against. 2000 and 2016 are prime examples, but certainly not the only ones.

If you can’t figure out why third parties don’t work in federal elections in this country, and especially in presidential elections as long as we have the electoral college, YOU are the problem. Third parties can only serve a spoiler role, and that’s been proven so many times in history it’s ridiculous. NO third party has ever won in this country in a major election. NONE. Undoubtedly, you voted for Nader and/or Jill Stein, because you are the type that did. And that type NEVER admits to having made a mistake, no matter how obvious or awful it was.

Why don’t you read my comments before you act like a jackass? I have no interest in any of the third parties we currently have and don’t think they have anything to offer politically, other than some (like the Working Families Party) on the local level.

The fact that we do not have viable third parties here doesn’t mean, however, that third parties conceptually are poison. I do believe the parliamentarian form of government has the potential to keep things a little more honest. And no I didn’t vote for Nadler or Jill Stein. I’m a registered Democrat.

Now go stew in your own loathesome juice, or yell at the moon when it comes out tonight. Nothing you do and nobody you yell at on the internet is going to stop third party candidates. It’s part of Democracy, and you’d do far better to wish for third parties that actually can contribute something and work within a coalition.