Discussion: Julian Castro To Howard Schultz: 'Think About The Negative Impact' Of A 2020 Bid

Yes, you hit on it. We cannot have a third party in this country until the Republicans are that third party.


Well with Chump, Bloomberg, Schultz, Clintons, Mark Cuban, and others always swirling around the starting gates, I do worry that it will only be megastars and billionaires that seem to capture the dumbed down populaceā€™s attention. The MSM always makes more hay out of those folks and they get tons of press that better candidates have to scrape scores of millions of dollars just to get minimal name recognition. Lots of factors seem to conspire to really have moved the publicā€™s gaze away from qualified public servants to famous and rich people.


We really need ranked voting. It is perfectly reasonable for someone to prefer the Green Party to the Democratic Party but they should be able to say what is their second choice.


We might as well go all the way and create one big Presidential Race Reality show, put every one of them into one house and eliminate one each weekā€¦

Really couldnā€™t get any worse result out of that than we did from '16, and this would get killer ratings, plus a lot of international tv rights to sell, so whatā€™s to lose?


Yeah, weā€™ve had enough zillionaire covfefe already.


God, the news networks would lap that up. They CRAVE drama

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Anyone else tired of billionaires with huge egos?


I like the idea of a caged death match, with emphasis on ā€œdeath.ā€ Two plutocrats enter, one plutocrat leaves!


Have to think about that one there. It feels like he is a deflection when the movement should have been pushed to one person earlier.

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Itā€™s a case now of billionaires wanting to diminish the Dems chances of winning because they are going to get taxed to holy hell if the Dems win. The writing is on the wall that the 40 year gravy train stops if the Dems shall overcome.


Good for you Julian. This is the stupidest vanity idea in long time when we are in a basic crisis situation.


True to an extent, but the media is also attracted to Star Power, when a lesser-known candidate is extremely telegenic, and perceived as the shiny new thing. It helped Obama, and it helped raise Beto to national attention recently.

Itā€™s going to be a crowded field of shiny new things in the primary this time, so maybe that will push the famous and/or rich (and too old, sorry Biden) into the background this time around


Stop saying that. Thatā€™s not true. Thatā€™s the standard size of the Republican Party.

When a total stranger calls a Republican on the phone, they are reacting with a Party bias. Trumpā€™s actual support is closer to the percentage of Americans engaged in organized crime.

I like to think thatā€™s not many.


You get my ten thousand likes this morning.


Marie Kondo could totally organize crime. Their sock drawers will be things of beauty.

Better: it isnā€™t organized crime until Marie Kondo gets through with it.


Iā€™ve set it to record. Also waiting for March 3.

Just when I had forgiven Steve Schmidt for the Sarah Palin debacle, he gets involved in this.


FWIW there are far more registered Democrats than there are registered R and even less registered Independents


Thank you. And as a P.S. to my commentā€¦ a lot of Republicans despise Trump and will not vote for him.

A lot. There are good Republicans.


Donā€™t forget this (and Iā€™ve posted it here before to make sure no one does). 57% of people who voted for trumpp say they wouldnā€™t vote for him again, with the most sentiment like this coming out of MI. I suspect WI and PA will follow, which always went for him after Comeyā€™s email remarks shortly before Election Day. The so called trumpp base is very small and very importantly, the country just witnessed a display of strength from the Democratic Party when NDP took him on and won. Itā€™s a party with chops opposed to a party thatā€™s been weakened through its blind obedience to him.