The ink is already on the GOP’s rubber stamp for ALL of HO’s nominees; I applaud Senator Feinstein for at least going through the motions, but with 52 seats, these crooks can get away with a lot. I am not looking forward to the next four years.
At least the Keebler Elf of the Senate will get a grilling from the Dems on the committee before he’s installed as Trump’s Racist-In-Chief.
he left out documents on his record huh>>>I sure totally by accident…racist.things he accidently got caught saying and doing
The incoming administration (and McConnell) can attempt to rush things forward, but everything will be in the public record.
If the stuff Trump has said, on the news, wasn’t enough to turn off the public, I don’t know what could be said in the public record of a Senate hearing that would move the needle…
That said, if I were the Democrats, I’d drag my heels just to drag my heels. The GOP did it for the last 8 years, and at this point, it’s about the closest thing to responsible governance we’re likely to see in the coming 4 years.
That is the thing about Sessions: he’s loudmouthed, but he’s clearly a coward who doesn’t even have the spine to be an honest racist. He deserves to be shamed every waking moment if he’s going to continue to be a shitty human being.
So it sounds like he added civil rights cases that he may or may not have been involved in during his career and before the federal judgeship attempt but left out the main reason for the GOP controlled Judiciary Committee refusing his nomination? He’s padding the resume at the same time he is selectively editing it? What a maroon to think that he could do this without members of the current committee noticing.
Young attorneys will not be admitted to their state bar if they intentionally omit information that is requested, e.g. being charged with crimes, references, job history, etc.
The f*ing attorney general should be held to at least as high of a standard. This is outright disqualifying.
Uh-oh, Jeff’s hood is showing…
Don’t know what is missing, but I’m guessing his cover for GWB and PRA 2007 HOLD might be worth a bit of discussing - laws and holds, to carry water for Bush / Cheney…
Republican nondisclosure again
How do you get anything so benign as Keebler Elf out of Jeff Sessions. Compare Senator Session’s picture with a picture of Gollum aka Smeagol and you’ll see what I mean.
All he lacks is the little felt hat.
I’m talking about his appearance—not his soulless and repulsive personality or behavior.
By his omitting things and by adding things he did not do, isn’t he lying to Congress? There should be any (large) number of hearings about these lies before the issue of his approval as AG is even brought before the committee.
We can hope that at some point in the near future, public record and public utterances will actually have an impact on how the public votes.
Utterances like this from Sessions WRT Trump claiming he "Can do anything. Grab them by the pussy."
TWS: But beyond the language, would you characterize the behavior described in that [video] as sexual assault if that behavior actually took place?
SESSIONS: I don’t characterize that as sexual assault. I think that’s a stretch.
[emphasis added]
I guess I’m going to have vote for Feinstein when she runs again in 2018 when she’ll be about 118 years old. Or 85. I forget which. The woman’s got cajones.
Tell the nominees that it’s Trump’s Whorehouse and he can choose the Whores. Just make sure their Whore credentials are aired for all to see … that’s enough. Call a couple of Republican ‘colleagues’ MOTHERF*CKERS to boot as added icing on the cake.
Situations like this call to mind that great statesman LBJ’s philosophy: 'I know they didn’t FCK a pig, just make them deny it’. In this case though they probably have FCKED that pig … in Sessions case anyway.
Your record couldn’t stand muster for your last nomination, so what do you do now? Do what you do best…CHEAT! But someone said your questionaire didn’t quite pass the sniff test, again. Looks like another rough hearing in front of Congress. Good luck with that…again!