Discussion: Judge To Trump: Mute Twitter Followers To Resolve 1st Amendment Lawsuit

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But what about Hillary’s emails?


OR he could just stop being a butthurt fucking pansy all the time.


The issue goes to Fat Nixon being thin-skinned and intolerant of any form of dissent. Can’t stand the heat, Donnie, get the fuck out of the kitchen!


Can’t stand the heat, Donnie, get the fuck out of the kitchen my Nation’s White House, you pig-eyed sack of shit!


(Did I steal the “pig-eyed sack of shit” from @spencersmom, or @littlegirlblue or someone else? )


That the lawyers need to talk to their clients about it suggests that the lawyers from both sides never discussed this as a possibility. The completely common sense “why not mute them instead of blocking them so they can still read official communications” approach was never an option until the judge pointed it out.

Just went straight to trial. That makes me depressed about both sides in the case.


Sounds like the judge is saying “take it or leave it” to the Trump defense, warning that if they reject muting, he’s going to rule for the First Amendment plaintiffs.


Me… not being a judge … has saved this country much in time … $$ … and effort …
by not needing to remove me from office for telling donnie what exactly he could’ve done with his fucking twitter —

I feel I’ve done my civic duty ----


This is the problem with these liberal judges. As Command of Chief of the Free World, one should be able to squash descent outright.

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Sheesh, if I couldn’t mute donnie every time his ugly orange head appears on a screen, I’d go insane. Used to be, I’d have to search for that button. But now I can get to it in a nano-second.


The lawsuit was filed after Trump blocked some Twitter users from @realdonaldtrump, a 9-year-old account with nearly 50 million followers.

Shouldn’t that be “a 9-year-old’s account with nearly 50 million followers, half of which are bots”?


An important question, because you know this is just a distraction by the Libruls to deflect attention from Uranium One, and Uranium Two and Beghaaaaaazeeeeeeee.

People who say mean things about our President aren’t real Americans anyway,. They’re probably Russian Bots.

And Russia is fake News!

And Obama didn’t do anything to stop Russia.


Even better (or worse), the judge is in her mid-seventies …


Er … thanks … I think.


Someone in the gallery should have jumped up and screamed: “That’s not fair! We can’t fucking MUTE Donald Trump! We have to hear about every dumb fucking thing he tweets or says, several times a day, every day of the year!”


Totally unacceptable. Trump doesn’t want to just not read them. He wants to crush them out, use his mighty power to silence them, prove his power over them and own them.

The idea that people were on his feed talking about him behind the back he turned on them would drive him to homicidal rage.


Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

If Trump’s tweets are official WH communications, then, assuming that these offensive twitter followers are asking him for something (even if it’s only, “Stop being a jerk!”), then why is blocking them not a violation of their right to petition the Government for a redress of grievances under the First Amendment?


Trump uses his Twitter account as an official mouthpiece of the capital P President. The act of blocking or muting followers (assuming they are US citizens) is the same as Trump plugging his ears when a citizen is trying to speak to him.

If he’s going to use Twitter this way, he should not be allowed to stifle any citizen’s voice.

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Off topic, once we get the Congress would it be constitutional if we passed a bill mandating all governmental communication with the President must begin with the salutation,

“Hey Asshole!”


That would be me, Karl, but please feel free to use it as often as needed!