Discussion: Judge Strikes All Arkansas Bans On Gay Marriage

Discussion for article #222803

Judge Piazza: “Why yes! I can clarify it for you.”

“Boom goes the dynamite!”

Well done, Judge Piazza!


…and in a related development, “from” was united with “marrying”…

Judge Piazza: “What part of go fuck yourselves did you not understand?”


These people must be afforded the right to marry.

Fine. But we won’t issue them licenses.


(Sound of chainsaw revving)

Yes, you will.

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The Arkansas Supreme Court told Piazza what he needed to do. Piazza picked up the ball and ran with it.


Huckabee: “Onward Christian Soldiers!”

Judge Piazza: “Drop and give me 20, private.”


Now that Judge Piazza has stricken down all the bans, any County Clerk who refuses to issue a license can be held in civil contempt of court. Possible sanction: Being put in jail until they agree to comply.

Too bad I’m not driving tonight. I love to listen to Mark Levin’s meltdowns on this stuff.


And Piazza’s statements were pretty awesome too:

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Judge’s ruling: So there, b*tches!

Aaah, the chainsaw of equality.

Too bad he’s only a county judge. It’s likely still not something that can be enforced in the other counties until the state supreme court takes it up. If the state supreme court fails to stay the order once the final order is published, then it’s off to the federal court.

Game is not over yet. Anyone got popcorn?

I was under the impression that the State Supreme Court hand already declined to take up the case, leaving his decision to stand for the whole state?

Only because the final order hadn’t been issued yet by the Pulaski court, so they didn’t have an order to consider for appeal or stay.