…which was indicted in February 2017…
Reporter needs to check that date
Seems an odd battle for the judge to fight in a case where the plaintiff refuses to enter the country for fear of arrest. We’re going to worry about the fairness of the ability of someone who is essentially a fugitive to prepare their case?
If I don’t show up in court for a traffic ticket they just rule against me and take away my license.
I don’t doubt that Mueller’s team is pushing the envelope on this matter. This is something the judge can properly be skeptical about.
“Judge Skeptical Of Mueller Withholding Discovery From Russian Troll Company.”
Better headline: “Judge Mulls Handing Kremlin Crown Jewels of US Intel Sources and Methods.”
BeattyCat’s Ruling: Either traverse your behind over here to comply with our laws–perhaps send somebody from your practice who isn’t on our Wanted List–or don’t. If that’s already a non-starter with your client, I’m at a loss as to why you’ve brought this same request to the Court’s attention again. Let’s move on.
It’s not like we’re talking about a little beverage company from Sweden here. This is an arm of the Russian octopus.
Is this the same defendant who demonstrated once before that they deliberately used discovery info to publish disinformation? I think it is.
If the judge allows the discovery to be handed over, I assume we’ll all be reading about it in the newest bunch of leaks provided by another arm of the Kremlin’s troll operation. No biggie. Isn’t that what happened before? Or am I thinking of another Russian case Mueller is trying? Wake the fuck up, judge.
“Fool me once, shame on…shame on you. Fool me…you can’t get fooled again.”
I like that analogy.
Even to this non-lawyer, she sure sounds naive.
Kremlin wants to know who to bump off.
Putin could just send Donald for a quick look see?
Donald can’t read, but maybe Jared?
It’s a fundamental principle of the law, that a person gets to know what he’s accused of and what facts are against him.
I wonder if she’s thinking about handing the lawyers some rope.
She’s a Trump appointee who has been on the bench for a year.
Sharing sources and methods is soo much easier through discovery …
than having to schedule a summit and get donnie and vlad together ----
This judge needs to be thinking about this investigation as more akin to an investigation of organized crime rather than run-of-the mill corruption, obstruction of justice, fraud or treason.
Giving the defendants access to discovery - which would ordinarily be a well-supported and even required step in prosecution of a case - can have dire consequences when the defendants are pure evil.
IIRC the lawyers previously got some rope and are paying no price for having shown it. This rope has national security hooks.