Discussion: Judge Rules DC, Maryland Have Standing To Sue Trump

“The judge also ruled that Maryland and D.C. only have standing to sue over activities at the Trump International Hotel and the Trump Organization’s operations in Washington, D.C., not the Trump Organization’s operations outside the District.”

surely there’s dirt galore to dig up in ANY Trump property… do the Rooskies have them wired with cameras for blackmail purposes?

Just food for thought, anyone doubt Trump is capable of sleazy blackmail if he could get it?

Trump Tapes may one day put the Watergate Tapes to shame in terms of sheer and disgusting indignities.



As the only political branch with the power to consent to violations of the Foreign Emoluments Clause, Congress is the appropriate body to determine whether, and to what extent, Defendant’s conduct unlawfully infringes on that power,” the judge wrote. “If Congress determines that an infringement has occurred, it is up to Congress to decide whether to challenge or acquiesce to Defendant’s conduct. As such, this case presents a non-justiciable political question.”


Great. Congress.

Thanks for the information, depressing as it is.


Well, then, lets start a shithole country gofundme site and see which ones contribute… although I’d wager England would try to pose as one of their more remote colonies to add thier share…

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The question now is: Are taxpayer-paid DOJ lawyers being used to defend Comrade Grift-A-Lotto Roboto?


The Emolument’s clause bars the President from accepting payments from a foreign government.

In other words , he CANNOT accept any foreign money for laundering .

Trump would probably put a web cam in a critical meeting space and forget to take off the lense cap. He’s dumb as dirt.

It’s the thought that counts !

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That has been the problem with the emoluments issue from day one.

“no person holding any office of profit or trust under them, shall, without the consent of the Congress, accept of any present, emolument, office, or title, of any kind whatever, from any king, prince, or foreign state.” - Article I, §9

The craven GOP Congress will consent without question or hesitation.

@steviedee111 @bojimbo26


So next year WE bring it up in our Congress.


isn’t that vise, or is it being a vice for a reason?

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Vice? Vise? Call it versa.


Emoluments Schmoluments.

This means we can all sue Donald Trump just like any proprietor.

Smart business.

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I’m doing my happy dance.

Certainly you’ve heard of Miami Vise?


Sarah says she “can’t comment on ongoing litigation.” Besides, who can remember? There are so many.


’ House Press Secretary Sarah HucW’hitekabee Sanders said she “can’t comment on ongoing litigation.” ’

Every new topic, news item, tidbit from F&F some one needs to file a law suit against Trump. How you gonna earn your Benjamines now Sarah?

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