Discussion: Judge Refuses To Certify Mark Harris As Winner Of NC House Race

From a partisan point of view, Democrats very much want him to stay on the ballot because no way he would win a redo election.

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This is taking a ridiculously long term to work out. Disbanding the election board in the middle of this, really?


I was thinking maybe a Dentist. And public toilets.

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This is what you’re missing

From his Campaign

The federal Department of Education was created in 1979. Since then, ask yourself if public education has gotten better or worse? I believe that the more local the control of education, the better the quality will be. I would support President Trump & Education Secretary Betsy DeVos’ push to decentralize control of education from Washington, and back to the States.

Term Limits
I am a firm supporter of term limits. I believe that this is the only way to truly DRAIN THE SWAMP and break the backs of the special interests and lobbyists that control DC. I have committed to sponsor and strongly advocate for a Constitutional Amendment for term limits in Congress.

While positive steps were made in 2017 to reduce corporate and personal taxes, the end result fell far short of dramatically simplifying the tax codes. Congress needs to take bold action and completely eliminate the hundreds of thousands of pages of the current tax codes and replace them with a concise, fair and simpler process. This is the era of bold thinking and aggressive!

Millions of Muslims have lived in the United States peacefully for hundreds of years. Religious liberty is probably the highest virtue that we hold as a nation. That being said, there is no denying that radical factions of Muslims believe that killing “infidels” is their religious duty (jihad), and they consider the U.S. infidels. As a former Pastor, I know the history of religious wars, especially between Israel and her enemies. Our country should continue its unwavering support for the nation of Israel, and should absolutely continue to be pro-active in our defense against radical Muslims that would seek to cause us harm.

We need to build the wall and protect our borders. We need to enforce current immigration laws. We need to update our immigration laws to reflect the NEEDS of OUR country. Cities and/or states that aid, abet, induce or encourage violation of immigration laws (“sanctuary cities”) should be prosecuted by the federal government.

Congress must keep its promise to the American People and repeal and replace Obamacare! We need to look at reform that is market-based and patient driven. A market-based approach would foster competition and empower individuals to make personal healthcare decisions between them and their doctor. Opening the market up to buy insurance across state lines and encouraging HSA’s should be at the heart of any major healthcare reform.

National Defense
A strong national defense is the cornerstone of a peaceful nation. We must invest in the tools and equipment necessary to ensure our military is the strongest in the world. Our armed forces should be powerful enough that we strike fear in our enemies and show solid support for our allies.

As the son of a World War II POW, I understand firsthand the sacrifice our men and women in uniform make for our country. We owe them a debt of gratitude and all the tools they need while service as well as honoring our commitment to our veterans after their service.

2nd Amendment
“A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” Numerous court rulings and historical evidence affirm that the intent of the founding fathers was to acknowledge the God-given “…right of the people to keep and bear Arms” that “shall not be infringed.” The current outcry for additional legislation limiting gun ownership is a misguided attempt to reduce gun violence. History has proven that strict gun laws do not reduce illegal use of firearms and opens the door for tyranny.

The Role of the Federal Government
The vast majority of the functions that Washington currently performs are not in the Constitution. I believe that the primary role of the federal government is to physically protect its citizens through a strong national defense and protect their rights by limiting the federal government to its narrow Constitutional role.

Pro Life and Pro Family
One of the most devastating blows to the American way of life has been the breakdown the family unit. A marriage consists of one man and one woman. The Supreme Court, in a 5-4 decision decided otherwise. I would support the nomination of conservative Supreme Court Justices that would re-visit this decision as well as “Roe v. Wade”. The term “life” applies to conception. The courts have not acknowledged modern medical technology that clearly demonstrates life begins with conception and therefore haven’t extended the protections afforded by law to the unborn. This issue needs to be revisited and comprehensive biological and medical evidence be presented to the Supreme Court so that babies lives can be saved.

Religious Liberty
Perhaps more than any other of our God given rights that our founding fathers recognized, freedom of religion has been the one most trampled on. A quick tour of Washington DC easily proves that God and the Bible were a vital part of government. Bible verses are engraved in our official federal buildings and monuments, and for the first two hundred years of our country’s history prayer was often invoked at official government meetings - and not just “token” prayers to a nameless God, but devout and often lengthy prayers to a personal God (Congress still opens with a prayer from the Chaplain.) The first amendment reads: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof…” but time after time government “authorities” have made a routine of “prohibiting the free exercise thereof…”

Career Politicians
Career politicians are not getting the job done. It’s time for a new approach.



Speaker of The House Nancy Pelosi will not seat him. Till the hanky panky has been investigated.


Hell, Satan was waiting for him. Needed a fourth for bridge.


Oh dear , is Mr Harris going to have a Dumbo - tantrum ?

And thus the losses keep piling up

Don’t assume that.

I’m not missing anything.

We just disagree about almost everything.

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English As She Is Spoke! Good job, Pastor!

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Oops! I thought that was your manifesto because I missed “from his campaign.” Mea culpa. I hope you’ll forgive me! :two_hearts::heart::two_hearts:

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All is forgiven
That’s why I questioned instead of flaming

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Thank you!

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