Discussion: Judge Quizzes True The Vote On Motives Behind Mississippi Lawsuit

Discussion for article #225519

Wow: “We will find you, if you vote against us. We will know who you are and where you live.” Pretty obvious ploy.


“The judge said it would be simpler and cheaper for True the Vote to only look at crossover votes from people who voted in the June 3 Democratic primary and then the June 24 Republican primary runoff, rather than review voters’ full spectrum of private information.”

The judge smells a rat, and so do I. What a waste of $$


“The judge ordered the group to clarify why they filed the suit in the
northern district of Mississippi, not the southern district.”

Because the judges in the Southern District were bought and paid for by the opponent? - No?

ummm - how about "Because the judges in the Southern District were "

Judge - shut up, sit down and await the bailiff, you are comtemptable and in contempt…



“Isn’t there more going on here that you want all the information about voters?” Atlas asked, according to the Clarion-Ledger.

I had been wondering that myself.


“True the Vote also initially asked for Social Security numbers, but later dropped that request.”

While you’re at it stealing my identity here’s my bank PIN.


Actually I think the judge is giving them too much credit. There is less here than meets the eye. This is a political stunt. The actually details of the suit are just the blowoff. They asked for what they asked for in the true spirit of the kneejerk, paleo-conservative authoritarians that they are. Libertarianism is for affluent Republicans in good standing only. If there are indications you might be a dark, they want your address and social.


McDaniel has not yet filed a formal election challenge

I have an idea. Let’s stop posting stories about him until he DOES file a formal election challenge?


Then they can stop posting Drudge-like headlines “King Obama’s Motorcade” and then put on some real big boy pants and stop reporting on Cruz until he actually takes some actions in the actual Senate.


OT, why are there multiple Livewire stories here at TPM with the comments function shut off?


I’m with you on that, in fact I’m still waiting to hear about the Democratic candidate in this race. He has a name. Travis Childers. No one at TPMZ has ever input those letters into a keyboard.


A mini rebellion was sparked with the King Obama reporting today, so this is their version of sending us to our rooms without supper.


TPM’s headline writer has been an inflammatory shit for a long, long time. They haven’t cared yet, don’t see them starting any time soon.


Like all cons, they are the poorest of poor losers!


Yup. Gave me the creeps.


U.S. District Judge Nancy Atlas quizzed True the Vote presidentGrand Dragon Catherine Engelbrecht about the group’s motives for the lawsuit.



It says a Texas judge . . . typo . . . . .

Not only that, they requested social security numbers…those SOBs (shedding no tears) have no business getting access to such personal and identifying information. I for one am hoping this judge with throw this lawsuit out.


I would like some analysis on some of these tactics. Maybe as some other keen observer said there is less here than meets the eye but what can a knowledgeable observer glean from this stuff? What can they get from the voter fishing expedition? Why not file in the center or south of the state? These things might be self-evident to locals or others but not to me.

Also someone mentioned Childers. At some point should he make sympathetic noises regarding McDaniels to lure some of his supporters to vote for him or even just feel better about staying home.

So, True The Vote is suing because Cochran crossed over to the garner votes from African Americans who were also Democrats in the runoff election.

On the face of his petition True The Vote has failed flat on their face. Where is the probable cause? What harm has been caused? Him losing? Well, McDaniels, thats what happens in races.

As for Corchran crossing over to gather votes from Democrats and African Americans, well shall I say, SO WTF?!

According to Mississippi’s state law, voters may “elect” to vote in the one primary election per voting cycle.

This is nothing but a stupid stunt being played out by poor losers.