Discussion: Judge Orders Release Of Immigrant Pizza Delivery Man Detained At Army Base

was held for deportation after he delivered pizza to a Brooklyn Army installation.

Don’t tell me, they ordered it with pepperoni that never showed. That’s always an easy tell.


Now, the military is being used for civilian policing? Way to go Trump!


What difference is it if the case is transferred to NJ, and I am assuming that the judge in that issued the release was in NY.


Cue the outrage against the “Deep Judiciary”…


Last I checked, that is a violation of the Posse Comitatus Act. And we know that Trump’s Army would never violate the law, don’t we?


It’s easy. Just don’t do business with any entities at government addresses.

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Waiting for trump to demand the denaturalization and deportation of people whose ancestors have been here since before the Civil War.

Especially if they are registered Democratic.

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Well if this was Chicago it would be deep dish judiciary.

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Oh shit, but what if one of my ancestors was the first elected Republican sheriff in a certain MO county?

HA HA ha ha…er…ha…ha…

Oh shit…


Was it back in Lincoln’s time, or when the Republicans were traitors to the Confederacy?

Hmm well if my counting back generations is correct it was after the Civil War but before the big switcheroo.

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Trump’s Army is going to have to be dishonorably discharged and while we build a new army we can, maybe, have a few years without war.


I should be able to stay, as my ancestors came over from Germany long before Grandpa Drumpf AND they voted Republican, in Texas! Long before John Connolly made the first switch. (Although several grandfathers fought for or worked for the confederacy.) I learned what little German I know from listening to my beloved great grandfather cuss out LBJ and FDR.


The anti-immigrant people complain that the immigrants don’t work hard like “real Americans” and yet when someone is working hard at a low end job, he gets trapped.

That photograph is so moving. Magnificent photograph in every way.

Paul Crotty is on the SDNY. He used to be the Corporation Counsel of the City of New York, the main lawyer for the City. I have no idea why the DOJ wanted the case transferred to NJ. Could it be…judge shopping??? From the Trump -Sessions DOJ???

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That could get complicated, which one? Particularly the native American ancestor.

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