Discussion: Judge Orders Chicago Police Release Video Of Cop Shooting Black Teen 16 Times

Discussion for article #243036

Will it never end?




When Trump is President black people can exhale a bit, seeing as a declaration of open season on Muslims will be issued.

"No papers!? Blam, blam, blam!!!"

The Independent Police Review Authority is a joke in itself: “Since its 2007 creation, IPRA has investigated nearly 400 civilian shootings by police and found one to be unjustified.”


A cop shot a teen 16 times? Sounds not guilty to me. I’m sure he’ll be acquitted.


16 times? Wouldn’t he have had to reload? What kind of magazines are they using?

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Many semiauto pistols have magazines with 16 round capacity.


I dunno. Lots of firearms seem to be authorized. Depends on what he was using I guess. I find it fitting that the 9mm Luger, which is associated with the Nazis, is prominent on the list though.

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“[T]hey do not understand the context in which the shooting occurred.”

The context:

  • A teenager is strolling down the street.
  • He is walking away from a police officer.
  • There are 15 feet between them.
  • The officer shoots him in the back.
  • Twice.
  • After he falls, the officer shoots him again.
  • 14 more times.

At what point in this “context” is the officer’s life in danger?


Thanks. I have this old-school mindset where most pistols carried only eight or ten rounds in a magazine.

Obviously the PCP and the surrounding actions influence the situation, but a black youth walking around with a knife is massively dangerous, but white dudes in Chik-Fil-A with guns is second amendment goodness.


This makes it sound less tense than it was. Here is more context from heavy.com

The family’s settlement with the city prohibits them from releasing the dash cam video to the public, but the family’s attorney, Jeffrey Neslund, has seen the video. He described it to the Chicago Sun-Times.

Neslund told columnist Mary Mitchell that the video shows McDonald walking west in the middle of Pulaski Street with a knife in his right hand. Two officers jump out of a SUV with their guns drawn. McDonald can be seen continuing to walk west, with a lane of traffic separating him from the officers. One of the officers begins shooting from about 12
to 15 feet away from McDonald. The teen is spun around by the first shots and the officer continues firing. McDonald falls to the ground and an officer kicks the knife out of his hand.

According to the Tribune, officers began to follow McDonald after he was allegedly trying to break into vehicles at a trucking yard. The officers followed him for nearly a half-mile, through a Burger King parking lot and onto a busy street. The officers were waiting for backup units with Tasers and tried to corral McDonald to keep him away from passers-by, the Tribune reported.

So officers were keeping some distance due to the knife but for some reason didn’t have Tasers with them. Then some idiot cop opens fire.

I agree the officer’s life was not in danger. This is an unjustified shooting and the officer is at fault. But the story is a bit more complicated than you represented.

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  • The video, without sound, is said to show Laquan McDonald, a 17-year-old African-American reportedly with PCP in his system, holding a small knife. He was shot to death by a white Chicago police officer, Jason Van Dyke, on the night of Oct. 20, 2014.

  • City officials said police, responding to a call of a man slashing tires, followed McDonald carefully and calmly as he wandered. They called for backup and Tasers

  • Only one cop, Jason Van Dyke, fired, shooting 16 times in all, and the video is said to show the rounds hitting McDonald in the back, the legs, arms, neck and head, the bullets making the body jump again and again.

  • Attorney Jeff Neslund, a former prosecutor, helped quickly secure a $5 million settlement from the city for McDonald’s family, saying, "I figure Mayor Rahm Emanuel did not want the video shaping his mayoral-runoff election campaign."

  • Officer Van Dyke, who has not been charged with any crime, and has been reassigned to desk duty to this day.

I don’t care about the drugs or the knife. Here’s what is seared on my mind:
that teenage body flinching with bullet after bullet from a cop’s gun.

17-year-old Laquan McDonald was executed …


Notice the nice grouping around the genitals. White boys are a-skeered of African junk…

I had a scary encounter with a person on PCP about a year ago. Threatened me with an axe. Turns out that someone slipped her a mickey.

How come no one is asking the most important question? When did Holly Hunter become a judge?


and the police wonder why the people they serve hates them and do not respect them. they are murderers


The ONE investigator, who was a decorated and retired cop, was fired after determining five more cases were unjustified. Another investigator quit after he was stopped, beaten and arrested.


The City Attorney offered to settle before the family filed a suit. He saw the Dash Cam, and told the city to settle fast.