They were really looking for hookers and blow…
Good, now they’ll catch the guy who did that to Lochte’s hair
The police or the athletes?
Their US swim coach said the robbery never happened:
I’m guessing hookers stole their wallets and they made up the robbery story.
Okay, that’s a possible explanation. Otherwise, I couldn’t come up with a reason for their false assertion (to make Rio look dangerous, etc?)
This story was a huge embarrassment for Brazil and for the IOC. The swimmers were breaking the rules (apparently) in an unfamiliar city known for crime and robberies and drunk at the time. No one wanted to get in trouble for this.
The detail that stands out is that the alleged robbers were dressed as policemen - if it isn’t true, it makes no sense at all to say that. It makes no sense to say the gun was held to his head either.
Who knows what really happened, but I’m pretty sure a robbery took place and that the athletes didn’t want to get in trouble for it especially if the very people who would be investigating were possibly in on the crime - and the athletes’ memories were impaired to boot. Not to mention there would be plenty of blowback from everyone who has an incentive to keep athletes and spectators safe, and perceived as being safe for competitions too.
Or maybe Lochte just made up the whole thing and only told his mom, who knows why?
May I interject an opinion?
Who, the-ever-loving-fuck, CARES?!?!?!?