Discussion: Judge OKs Removal Of Confederate Monuments In New Orleans

Discussion for article #245283

Oh noes! I suggest an armed revolt against the tyrannical US Government! Certainly it will work out better this time, am I right? Or you could form an encampment around the statues, you know, become laughable fools…er…martyrs for the cause just like they did in Oregon!

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Good riddance to bad rubbish.


Besides the Lee monument, also slated for removal are a large equestrian statue of P.G.T. Beauregard, a Louisiana-born Confederate general; a statue of Confederate President Jefferson Davis; and an obelisk dedicated to a group of white supremacists who sought to topple a biracial Reconstruction government in New Orleans.

But this is about heritage not hate, right?

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If I’m involved in a prolonged standoff anywhere in News Orleans, I want it to be Bourbon Street.


I’ve said it before, but wouldn’t the simplest thing at this point be for the groups that want these monuments to stand to buy some land and make a park? Kind of like the Holy Land Experience but for slaveholding?

We could take over the Hotel Monteleone and set up shop in the Carousel Bar. We’d have to kidnap a bartender to keep the cocktails flowing, but sacrifices have to be made during a revolution.

I’ll bring beernuts and my airsoft!! We can order out. Freedum!#

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Buh-bye hate monuments and banners!

How about making a nice big bonfire with this crap!

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Do germans have any kind of parks or museums about Nazis?

NC the state I live in has a lot of statues, old slave markets and confederate graves. Some of the graves in Raleigh recently were defaced with spray paint and someone’s having to fork out some big bucks to clean them. The slave market that in in downtown Fayetteville that’s on their city logo is causing an issue so they are thinking of changing the logo.

Does Commander’s Palace deliver?