I gag everytime I see Stone, so I guess there’s a certain symmetry to this…
His lawyers have a strong 8th Amendment case to make here… Given his life-long need to be in the spotlight.
Gawd, that photo! The rest of the world saw a criminal in Nixon, and this dissipate Cro-Magnon saw a hero. At least he’s living his dream. For now.
Heh. About time someone shuts up that self-promoting moron. I guess that means he’ll have to resort to banging on the table in code. Can’t wait until the judge catches him in the act and is forced to reprimand him. I predict this motormouth won’t last a week having to keep his big mouth shut.
Hahaha! Best news I’ve heard all day.
Roger Stone doesn’t “do” order and decorum…
Thank you, Mistress. May I have another? Oh, for future reference: what’s our safe word?
For someone like Stone, this constitutes cruel and unusual punishment. Yay!
It’s only fair that Stone gets gagged by the judge. I’ve been gagged by Stone, just about every damn time I see his mug on the teevee. As my dear departed Aunt Carol woulda said, he’s enough to gag a maggot.
I love the warning at the end, if Stone continues to mouth off about his case in public, then he can’t appeal on pre-trial press coverage.
I’m feeling the need to climb up and jubilate
from a place that is most high ! ………………
ankle bracelet …… I’m hoping ……
She is somewhat subtly telling him to STFU but I doubt that he gets it. I hope it ends up with him thrown in the slammer for Contempt and spending the rest of his life in jail, assuming he is found guilty as charged.
Agreed. She’s giving him all the rope he needs to hang himself and justify a total gag order. He’s too stupid to understand that and will keep whining to the media until she finally shuts it all down. There’s nothing worse you can do to Roger Stone than deprive him of attention.
30 Days in the hole More like it
Roger still thinks he’s playing with house money and nobody’s bothered to explain to him that the game has changed. He will cross the line sooner rather than later.
Can you imagine Roger in solitary for 30 days? O my god - I wish the judge would do it.
Yo, Roger: