Damn, I bet court times are booked more than 30 days out.
Is 30 days maximum? Considering what’s at stake, I would argue for the maximum.
So is lying to the Special Counsel a felony or a misdemeanor? 30 days and $20,000 sounds sort of misdemeanory. I’m hoping it’s a felony and that he at least loses his ability to continue as an attorney.
Boo-yah! Now waterboard the bastard for 30 days!
thought I read somewhere 6 months max.
hoping light sentence handed out for cooperation behind the scenes but since he is son in law to Russian oligarch I kinda doubt it.
30 days is a small price to pay for this dude. It’s better than flipping, since he’d probably get a dose of “Polonium Tea”. He’s a crooked lawyer who is married to the daughter of a Russian oligarch, and probably has helped his father in law and other crooks like Trump and Manafort launder money.
Would he have had to tell the truth later, in order to get this sentence? And what did he say? Or is he possibly still holding out? We need to know more.
His sentence should have been a public statement by the prosecutors thanking him for his cooperation. That should play well with his wife’s family.
“Laws are spider webs, which catch the little flies, but cannot hold the big ones.” – Anacharsis (ca. 500 BCE)
5 Year max. Recommended sentencing guidelines is 0 to 6 months.
What’s the bet on whether he keeps his job? It would be great if every reference to Skadden Arps could include “which is known to employ at least one convicted criminal as a lawyer”.
Innocent people do not (normally) lie or withhold information/evidence. How many have already been charged and pleaded guilty? And we now have our first sentence - and it includes jail time. Trump and friends better buckle-up. It’s going to be a bumpy ride from here on out.
Brava! Lying needs to be, once again, seen as a significant wrong-doing–not just another strategy decision by white-collar actors. And re that pregnant wife: if you can’t do the time, don’t do the crime, for gods’ sakes!
Sounds like a light sentence. That said, if he wants to practice law in the U.S., that could be tough to do with a felony conviction on your record.
The Federal sentencing guidelines call for 0 to 6 months for this crime for an individual with no prior criminal history. It’s hard to get a jail sentence at the Federal level for this type of thing. That Van der Zwaan got jail time tells us two things: 1. He cooperated and gave up a lot of info to avoid the max, and 2. Examples will be made of for any conspirator, big and small.
It’s a win-win for Mueller.
Sentencing guidelines for this crime for a guy with no criminal history is 0-6 months. This was a good result for Mueller. Sent a message and clearly got this dude to sing like a canary. His father in law’s connections couldn’t help him. His career has taken a major hit. He likely lost immigration status in the US. The Feds probably also have enough other stuff on him where it would be in his interests to take their call when the phone rings.
Low end of guidelines, then. Oh, brother.
He obviously isn’t cooperating and this is what he gets. Well, that and a life time of wondering whether his father in law thinks he’s snitching on him and has him capped, so there’s that.
What a joke.
I hope he loses his license to practice law. Lying to Federal prosecutors should land this fellow in a world of hurt professionally.