Discussion: Judge: Former Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell Can't Be Free During Appeal

Discussion for article #231987

So Bobby McD gets to see the inside of a jail. A little justice in this world.

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2 years for a 10 year recommended sentence. I’m surprised on this new development, and would have expected him to stay out of prison for at least a year during his appeal.

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Can he appeal to Jesus?


Wonder if he hopes his prison husband treats his bit…ches better than he treated his wife?

Haha…babypowder-pimpslapped by the hand of justice!

The Judge is essentially saying he doesn’t see how McDonnell has any chance at all to win the appeal. Bob needs to get his affairs in order. He is going away for at least the minimum.

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I hope he gets a “fun” roommate…

La Steve is already waiting for him… Although I suspect that by the time he gets out of prison he will be out of the closet as well.


Let’s not pretend he’s going to do anything remotely like hard time where he faces constant fear or risks being bitch-slapped, shall we? Fact is, he should have gotten far more time than he did, and should have reported to prison the day after he was sentenced. Even being stripped of power politics, he still has its privileges.


You are right. I only take consolation in the fact that this latest pronouncement quashed what I am sure was Bob’s original assumption of entitlement - “But the judge couldn’t have meant that I really have to go to jail ???”