Discussion for article #238863
Looks lie the big bad ass protector of the neighborhood is going to have be on welfare for the rest of his life. Maybe he can find some subsidized housing. I hear the the complex Trayvon lived in has some openings.
Suing over tweets, when the content of the tweets is easily accessible public information? They should have to pay for whatever time the judge read reviewing this nonsense.
Soooo. GZ sued someone for possibly inciting “vigilante justice”. hahahahahahahha
Edit: GZ’s family filed the suit. Thankx to more astute readers for the corrections.
His parents. Still, isn’t that just rich? Vigilante Justice.
“This court finds there is no disputed issue of material fact and that the defendant, Roseanne Barr, is entitled to judgment as a matter of law,” Chase wrote, according to the Orlando Sentinel.
Umm, this isn’t some grand pronouncement. This is the magic word boilerplate that you’ll find in every order granting summary judgment entered in every state in the union that has rules of civil procedure that follow the federal model, which is to say, almost all of them.
But not boilerplate enough to have their attorney tell them the lawsuit is futile because the law in this case is so well established?
Boilerplate or composed just for this one occasion, these words had the “magical” effect I needed in this instance – to send this murdering scumbag and his family of enablers scurrying back under the rocks where they belong.
Hush, Steve. You’re telling the rubes how the magic act works. If you keep giving away the meaning of the magic words, they’re gonna stop hiring us lawyers.
Don’t be silly. Why would their lawyer tell them that their case is futile? That’s not the way you make it big as a lawyer.
And Zimm? You’re ugly, too.
And I can count on no hands the number of Conservatives who screamed, “FRIVOLOUS LAWSUIT!!!”
Well, now we have a major clue as to why Georgie walks around with a big-azz chip on his shoulder.
If it’s not so frivolous as to get me sanctioned, I always tell them “I’ll be glad to take your case and your money if you want to spend it, because there’s nothing an attorney loves more than an hourly client fighting for principle. But no, I won’t take it on a contingent fee basis.” Generally, that makes them rethink. If not, I then tell them (more diplomatically, of course,) that I’ll need a refundable retainer that I’ll charge my time against if they don’t pay at the end of the month and when it gets to zero, I’ll quit unless they replenish it. Because one thing I’ve noticed is that those “we’re doing this for the principle of the thing” clients very often don’t seem to think paying their damn bills every month is included within the ambit of the “this” that they’re doing for principle.
I would love to see Roseanne turn the tables and sue Zimmerman’s parents!
Well, it was his mom and dad that sued, but the irony you note still stands.
The creep could work in any gun store in 'Merka, but he’s too lazy to work.
I wonder if this order also gives Ms. Barr attorney fees.