Discussion: Judge Denies Roy Moore's Request To Dismiss Defamation Lawsuit By Accuser

Looks like Pedo-Moore is going to need another GoFundMe campaign.

And the grift goes on.


I hope she wipes up the floor with that guy! He is such a piece of garbage. She deserves justice and he deserves shame…Not the other way around!


I don’t recall anyone named Doug Joes running against Moore.

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That’s got to be the lamest goddamn 12(b)(6) argument I’ve ever heard of.


I’m not a religious person but I’d think having a really weak defense would be God’s way of telling you to settle the suit.


Notice also how roy moore has not filed a single lawsuit against any media publications or women he claims defamed him as he said he was going to do…hard to sue when the truth is not your friend. I don’t believe in heavens and hells but if there is, the moore types are gonna really burn and a large swath of trumper evangelicals might even join him. Can’t be a real “I believe in the word of God and the teachings of Jesus” christian and be a trump supporter. No christian can tell me to my face that Jesus would be honored to know trump and happy with evangelicals. Which has always led me to my true beliefs…there are no gods or heaven and hell because if there truly was then the religious would honor the true meaning of Jesus and what he taught. But they dont, they are not afraid of a hell because deep down they know it doesn’t exist. And more in bed the evangelicals get with trump, the more they demean their own religion.

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Notice how the men accused here won’t stray from their denials and their wives look years younger ?

Trump and Juhge Roy are cut from the same cloth.

One day in 1976 I was eating my lunch in the company cafeteria. Some total stranger guy sits down across from me and says, “Because you were hired just because you were a woman to fill a quota, some man can’t support his family.”

So I’m always pleased to see some retributive blast from the past. I hope she nails his hide to the barn door.

And by the way, I was actually hired because I knew how to do a vacuum distillation.

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Don*t worry Roy , Mommy will think of something .