Discussion: Judge: BP's Reckless Conduct Caused Gulf Oil Spill

Discussion for article #227251

I’m sure that “liberal” MSNBC will be covering this extensively in between BP commercials telling us how great they are.

Sure! C’mon down for some shrimp!

“BP PLC, which vowed to appeal, already agreed to pay billions in
criminal fines and compensation to people and businesses affected by the disaster.”

Yes, they did. But as I understand it, they never paid it out and have resisted paying out what they owe. Perhaps that’s changed, but with the near-absence of reporting on this story in the press it’s hard to keep up.

If it is true, it surely needs to be mentioned over and over, not left at “they already agreed to pay billions” as if they’re some kind of poor victimized sonsobitches that are being persecuted. But such is the nature of the AP: twisting American minds since 1846.

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Bravo to you for saying this. It is already Friday 5 pm and except for a segment on Ed Schultz’s show, there has been virtually no coverage of this. I too have been sickened by all of the pro-BP commercials presenting them as some kind of humane heroes for doing a little clean-up. $18 billion is huge - too bad jail time wasn’t part of the punishment.