Thank you Judge Sparks! Texas Repuglicans hate women. Thank you for not indulging their misogyny.
More details, TPM! Who brought this case- PP, or any of the other civil rights groups, or a private individual? Can this ruling be appealed or is this it? What were his grounds for blocking the law- technical or substantive? This article leaves me with more questions than answers.
Great news!
He’s a Republican, too. Appointed to the bench by George H. W. Bush in 1991.
Rockefeller Republican (see reference Souter, David). God’s Own Party eliminated the RR’s in the purge of 1980 to 2008. The Teahadist enforcers of the party primary any Candidate who even appears moderate.
Unfortunately for these B*stards Federal Judges have a life time appointment.
Judge Sam Sparks. A cool name that will now become unforgettable. Thank you, sir!
I wouldnt be surprised if he completely demolishes PP and establishes a pattern for other states to follow.
This is just basic law. But note how well decades of working the refs have trained AP not to say what’s going on. Nowhere does the article note that the videos were false and misleading, and ultimately the subject of a criminal referral to the fraud that the anti-choice conspirators engaged in. The closest they get is “claimed” and “heavily edited”.