He seems nice.
Dedicated Service
Rabid Desire
Long Live the Fourth Estate and its patrons.
“Maloy left behind a wife and two young sons.”
As much as we like to joke about colonoscopies, they matter.
Don’t put them off.
On today’s episode of “The Universe Is an Unjust Farce”…
Father of Ira is right. They are safe, painless, take about an hour — and they give you a pretty bitchen intravenous drug just for being there!
He was so young! Damn cancer.
A colonoscopy procedure saved my life. Full stop.
I was with my Dr. last August. Perfect health. Felt great. All was great. Then…
“Did you schedule that colonoscopy…?”
“Do it. His office is on the 1st. floor on your way out.”
I did. Took longer than I thought to get it scheduled and done. Six weeks.
Six weeks and two days later: “You need to see a surgeon NOW! Already made the appointment for next week.”
More tests and - I have the same cancer that killed Simon.
But Stage 1! I caught it early! Still ongoing but after chemo and radiation my options are good.
Alas, he was too young to even be in the recommended age group for them. But agree.