Discussion: Jorge Ramos Defends Exchange With Trump At Press Conference (AUDIO)

Discussion for article #239790

I think the most important social responsibility as a reporter is to prevent and denounce the abuse of those who are in power. Thatā€™s when you see the best journalists."

I must have poor eyesight, because I sure donā€™t see them.


I wonder if Trump has any persons in his campaign providing any of the services noted here below?

ā€œAny anti-Zulu medicine a future enemy clan might want to prepare
would have to be based on Shakaā€™s (inSila), or ā€œdirtā€ - which ranged
from excreta to fingernail pairings so a series of attendants was
appointed to deal with it. The Royal Barber, who paid with his life for
the slightest nick in the royal chin,had daily to collect the shaven
stubble,burn it, and scatter the ashes in a river.There was also a
Receiver of the Royal Spittle (his back served as a receptacle),and
even a Wiper of the Royal Anus.ā€

ā€œThe Rise of the Zulu Nationā€ - Page 50

Jorge was only doing what it takes to bring to the forefront the fact that NO ONE is asking Donald the real questions about his positions/promises/lies. The question should not be whether Jorge was out of order in the way that he asked his questions, the real question/story should be why didnā€™t Donald answer definitively? I want to someone to also ask Donald why he is still ragging on Megyn Kelly (and I despise Fox News). Jorge seems to be the only one that was persistent enough to back Donald into a corner and demand the he actually answer a question about his plans for this country. As long as the Donald show is on, can we at least strive for some substance?


The ā€œpress conferenceā€ was bad enough.

I was looking forward to watching CNNā€™s show on Katrina last night. They had been promoting it for a week.

Insteadā€¦we saw the press conferenceā€¦with 4-5 ā€œjournalistsā€ blabbing about it acting like they were officers of the Trump Fan Club.

It is really depressing. Trump is an idiot. But he gets good ratings for the media. Better ratings, apparently, than a show on Katrina.

The media havenā€™t covered the other candidatesā€¦Rep or Demā€¦with even a small fraction of the coverage they give Trump.

Of course Trump doesnā€™t need campaign contributionsā€¦he gets free media coverage 24/7.

I know there are a lot of folks out there who are frustrated with the way things are. But if the media devoted as much attention to ANY of the candidates as they have Trump, and gave Trump an equal coverage as the restā€¦I doubt very much if Trump would be the leader.

Last night changed my view. I had thought Trump could not win the general. I forgot about the media. With the help of the mediaā€¦this could really happen. Sad day.


ramos was out of line; and trump over-reacted. but in the end, they kissed and made a dateā€¦ this is such a nothing burger and idiotic distraction. good thing thereā€™s been a shooting to pivot toā€¦

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If Ramos wouldā€™ve sit down after Trump told him to he wouldnā€™t be able to show his face in public today. The cake was baked once he started asking the questions.

Edit to add:

Actually Trump realized he had screwed the pooch when the other reporters started sticking up for Ramos. Thatā€™s why they brought him back in.


The sad part is that Ramos is going to drive Trumpā€™s point about illegals being pushy, even though Ramos is a respected American journalist who wanted to ask Trump a question, but went about it in a way that looked a little pushy. Trump will be seen by Hispanics as being a bully to a well respected Hispanic journalist. Trump will still be a hero to those who are on his side, and to those who arenā€™t nothing changed except to confirm what they already thought.

Like most Billionaires who were born into money, The Trumpster is very thin-skinned and has hissy fits when he doesnā€™t get his way. He is used to being surrounded by sycophants that cater to his every whim, and shouts people down when they disagree with him.


Guess The Donaldā€™s siccing his bodyguard on Mr. Ramos is just a taste of his plan to expel millions and millions from this country.

Hey Donald! As a precursor to your Grand Deportion Plan, please start by deporting Cubanadian Cruz and AguaBuddha anchor baby Rubio from those fu*king debates! Thanks in advance!

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Sure, itā€™s a nothing burger that will get the Latino community out in record numbers. GOP is toast.

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A rude reporter, why I neverā€¦Trump could have answered the question and been done with it, sure his answer would have made no sense, but whatā€™s new. Trump prefered to act like the belligerent dick he is, as always.




Jorge Ramos is 100% in the right here. His decision not to abide by press conference protocol was totally proportionate to the importance of the issue he wished to addressā€“the proposed racist deportation of maybe millions of US citizens, and the inflammatory and racist rhetoric that underpins this proposed Republican policy, rhetoric that itself undermines protocols of civility fundamental to the country. Like all would-be dictators, Trump dishes it out but canā€™t take it. Bravo, Mr. Ramos. Keep up the good work.


Funny thing about thatā€¦

Iā€™ve been watching ā€˜reportersā€™ blurt, yell, and scream questions for decades, completely ignoring whatever ā€˜protocolā€™ has supposedly been established (emphasis on the supposedly). You see it pretty much all the time now, in all settings.

I donā€™t think I recall having seen any ā€˜reporterā€™ ejected from a press conference before. It may have happened, but itā€™s not a common occurrence, regardless of how ā€œrudeā€ the target of the out-of-turn questions thinks it may be.

What a puffed up, self-important, thin-skinned, know-nothing jerk theDonald is.

Not that anyone should be surprised by thatā€¦


If thereā€™s one thing that happened last night, it was that itā€™s now nearly impossible for Trump to win the general election. Jorge Ramos is the Latino Walter Conkrite. Heā€™s the most beloved and respected journalist of Latino Americans. Before the press conference Trump was already 51 points underwater with Latinos. After kicking Ramos out and telling him to ā€œgo back to Univisionā€, Iā€™m sure Latino opinions of Trump only got worse. Plus, ask yourself thisā€¦With which group or demographic will Trump be able to improve his margins over Romneyā€™s? Folks have got to stop mistaking the crowds and Republican primary polls for votes in a general election.



Sure, he is not going to get the hispanic vote. And other ethnics will cringe too.

Trump has taken a page out of how to be a demagogueā€¦he has appealed to the basest of our instincts. And it is really scary how many folks have eaten that up.

But, when you think about it, the media have created Trump. He has had 24/7 coverage for months now. Everyone else is pretty much ignored.

Sure he has lost the hispanic vote. But what if the Black Lives Matter makes more inroads, what if there is big demonstrations a la Bernie, what if as a result the black turnout in the election goes down, people just stay home? That would make up for the hispanic vote.

The cnn coverage of the ā€œpress conferenceā€ was just pathetic. The young journalists were falling over each other adulating Trump.

Why did they pre-empt a program for a press conference that wasnā€™t even live? Because of ratings, pure and simple. Trump brings ratings. He knows it. The media know it. And that will be true from now until election day.

If people saw the idiocy of what Trump is saying, I still think he would not be elected. Most Americans donā€™t like his brand of goods. We are a peace loving and good hearted people as a whole. I donā€™t think xenophobia as in Trumpness is what most Americans really support.

But will the media even present what Trump is proposing? Or will it be glossed over like last night?

None of the cnn trumpites even talked about the fact that Trump refused to give answers to Ramosā€™ questions. Heck, the entire thing was stagedā€¦they obviously didnā€™t want mikes for the reportersā€™ questions.

What I saw was scary last night.

Yeahā€¦the librul media!


It isnā€™t really all that scary or surprising to me. Weā€™ve known for a long time that there is a certain % of the GOP base that is just rabidly racist and stupid. Those are the people heā€™s appealing to. We knew they existed, now theyā€™ve finally got their own candidate.

If BLM makes inroads, thatā€™s only going to help energize black folks to get involved, to vote. Regardless, I donā€™t think black voters will stay home. I expect Obama to campaign long and hard to get a Democrat elected because electing a Democrat is the only way to preserve his legacy. After all the shit the president has been through, I actually tend to think heā€™s going to fight harder for the Democratic nominee than he even did for himself.

I just donā€™t think itā€™s being glossed over. Most of his rhetoric speaks for itself and doesnā€™t require much explanation. Trumpā€™s unfavorable ratings are through the roof. Outside of Republican voters, heā€™s the most disliked candidate. Again, donā€™t mistake Republican primary polling for general election polling.


OK. I feel better now!