Discussion: Jorge Ramos Confronts John Boehner On Immigration (VIDEO)

Discussion for article #223071

I am happy with this more aggressive attitude. In fact, I have often wondered how and why Boehner gets away with what he does.


Is it me, or is there a lot of George Costanza in Boneher?


FYI: — You can link to any time inside of a YouTube video if you want. The code isn’t even that hard really. In fact you can control a lot of how the video loads, it’s size, what controls are available and other things. All in the referring link.


Jorge Ramos Confronts John Boehner…

You want to douse all open flames before you do that…

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Boehner is right, why have a law that regulates immigration when the Obama administration has proven time and again that it will change and vilify the law at will without any accountability?

Edit: Again, there is nothing in my comment, in my opinion, that violates TPM posted rules and regulations about commenting. Just because some people do not like my comment and flag it, it doesn’t mean my comment should be hidden or deleted. Perhaps, as a suggestion, TPM could suspend for a period of time the accounts of those who flag other people comments without any merit but personal dislike of a certain person.

Obamacare- wtf!

He has? Time and time again? Such as? You do realize he has deported more undocumented immigrants than any President in history and that under his watch the border is more secure than it ever has been. But sure it’s all Obama’s fault, at least in the minds of those like yourself with ODS


Not a reply to Libx. Benghazi

Oompah Loompah!
Dupe-ity tea…


You obviously have no clue how the government works.

Congress passes laws , not rules and regulations.
The agencies make the rules and can change them at any time.

Duh !

Beej is just blogsturbating again.

He gets away with it for the same reason that a lot of famous people (politicians and otherwise) do so these days. They want access to the big names whose presence in/on their media outlet will make them stand out from the tougher-than-ever competition. Because there are so many other outlets that a John Boehner can go to to get his message out, he holds the leverage, so the media mostly play nice with him.

It’s not a coincidence that the harshest public criticisms often come from comedians like Jon Stewart and Steven Colbert who don’t need access to the John Boehners of the world to do their jobs successfully.

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There was SHRINKAGE!

From the way Boehner conducts himself, I find it hard to believe that he does this on a weekly basis. He is just one cut above the star high school athlete-no scholar, he-being interviewed by a 5,000 watt station in Lake Wobegon on his latest athletic accomplishments.

Libs, babe, that’s flagworthy trolling and you damn well know it. There isn’t a commenter here who doesn’t understand the Republican’s dilemma regarding immigration control. This idiotic canard about how they can’t take any action because Obama does such and so insults our intelligence and your own. Knock that stuff off before you put your own head in the noose regarding posting privileges here. If you have a plausible justification for Boehner’s inaction, trot it out. P.S. Do you know what “vilify” means?


I flagged and reported his Joizy tuchas.

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Good, I hope the mods schtup him in his tuchas and ban him for a couple centuries. Life is too short for that dreck.

I’d give him five minutes on a 250-watt local daytimer–no more.

John, like all the Republican Leadership, has canned responses for this, none of which are true:

  1. We want to do piecemeal. This is clearly not true, as no piece has been brought to the floor.

  2. It’s Obama’s fault, because he won’t enforce the law. This is so funny. No one has enforced immigration law more than our deporter in chief.

So we have two lies. Here’s the real reason:

  1. Immigration reform is seen as important to brown people. We don’t like brown people, and if, as a party, we are nice to brown people [our base] won’t show up in the fall and we will no longer be in power.

Edit: Changed they to our base for clarity.