Discussion: Jordan's Defenders Peddling In 'Deep State' Conspiracy As Accusations Mount

Time to decide you want to spend more time with your family, Jim. And start packing the office furniture.


I guess the wrestling coach, per Josh’s story last night, is a member of the Deep State…


He knows how the game is played a wants to have what he would claim is a “valid” excuse when he resigns.


I hope that one is going to break the defensive line around Jordan. No way out for him now.


Jordan: “There are tapes ?”


Jordan’s Defenders Peddling In ‘Deep State’ Conspiracy As Accusations Mount
Let me guess
Got in their time machine and went back to where they fabricated all these actions.
Then they killed the doctor
They then recruited actors to play the wrestlers

It’s all becoming clear…


I just love that all his staunch defenders will be eating their words shortly
I’m investing in crow pie futures


“I think the timing is suspect when you think about how this whole story came together after the Rosenstein hearing and the Speaker’s race.”

We knew he was delusional … but he thought he had a chance at the Speakership?


They’re everywhere! /s

Republican former Ohio State wrestlers are part of the Deep State? Could have fooled me!


So when will deep state join Santorum in the sexual lexicon world?


Remarkably, even a sitting congressman joined in the frenzy, as Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) took to Fox News Wednesday night to support the fringe theories.

It’s Matt Gaetz so not remarkable at all. He’s the Louie Gohmert for FL.


If Matt Gaetz is calling it I’m a believer.

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If Jim Jordan’s taxpayer funded office website did not block email from everyone outside the 5 digit zip code + 4 digit extension of his immediate geographic congressional district, WE could point out to him other political developments over history, the TIMING of which, remains SUSPECT, of which Jim Jordan should demand immediate congressional GOP investigation, including massive subpoenas of phone calls:

  1. Herbert Hoover’s defeat and victimization immediately following The Great Depression; (2) The SUSPECT TIMING of the GOP lead investigations of Benghazi Benghazi Benghazi, into Hillary Clinton’s EMails, the fake rumors of her brain tumor, the fake rumors that the Clinton Foundation committed any crime whatsoever, the fake Pizzagate rumors, and the leaking of the revelation that Anthony Weiner’s laptop contained duplicate emails, after she became a presumptive and actual candidate for President and ten days before the election, not to mention the TIMING of Jason Chaiffetz’ letter and James Comey’s statement about the Weiner laptop development ; (3) The whole TIMING of the STARR Investigation, after Bill Clinton had whupped George Herbert Walker Bush’s soft, cornball, entitled Ivy League ass in the Presidential Election; (4) The whole suspect TIMING of the 450 GOP Filibusters of President Obama; (5) the suspect timing of the DEATH of Antonin Scalia while a Democrat was President; (6) the TIMING of the Civil Rights and Voting Rights Acts, almost 100 years after the Civil War, and the movement to remove monuments to the Confederate traitors who put slavery over country almost 150 years after the war.

Jim Jordan is going to be APPALLED when he and his staffers, and GOP House Colleagues dig into these apparent coincidences…


Desperate people do desperate things.

Lest we grow too used to Republican decay and bad faith, it’s important to step back and confront the fact that …


I don’t excuse Jordan for one moment. However, this was happening just about the time I experienced the “support our school/athletes” at all costs time. At the time I was a member of a school board and questioned why the girls basketball team were all wearing their bras and panties on the outside of clothing. I was told it was a team building exercise and “tradition”. A tradition that I had never observed in the past. I spoke up after parents of a very promising freshman guard came to me asking to check the situation out. The girl was humiliated being shamed/pointed out/etc that she was not as developed as teammates and subsequently quit the team. Over the next few weeks I fielded dozens of calls telling me to mind my own business or that I should be supporting the team instead of knocking them down. The following spring it was even mentioned during the runup to the next school board elections as a reason why I was not a suitable candidate for the board. So from my experience I can see that these athletes were told to just go along. Especially if they wanted to be a member of the team. Therefore the silence for years and why when one decide he had enough that others saw the opportunity to speak up. It is also one reason why Jordan still is following the silence supports the team all these years latter. Does not condone his continued silence, at this point he becomes part of the coverup.


I think you meant to say: “Dumb desperate people say dumb desperate things.”

He wouldn’t be the first pervy wrestling coach the Republicans elevated to the Speakership.


Gaetz is not exploiting the gullible, he is the gullible. Why are these idiots being elected? Florida wanna weigh in?!