Discussion: Joni Ernst Won't Commit To Backing McConnell As GOP Leader

Discussion for article #229603

Maybe she can switch from cutting the balls of of pigs to cutting the balls off of turtles.


Joni Ernst:

Believes states should be able to nullify federal laws.

Believes anyone trying to implement the ACA in Iowa should be arrested.

Believes the crackpot Agenda 21 as touted by Glenn Beck that claims the United Nations wants to turn farm land and golf courses into wilderness.

Believes doctors who perform legal, constitutionally protected abortions should be arrested.

Believes in and endorses personhood amendments, effectively ending access to contraception of any kind.


Wouldn’t it be nice* if Joni doesn’t have to make that decision because the Democrats pull off the trifecta.

  1. Hold on to control of the Senate.

  2. McConnell loses to Grimes.

  3. And Joni “Pig Castrater” Ernst loses too!

*Apologies to the Beach Boys


They need to put that combover Todd feller on her case. Sounds like she’s disqualified herself.


Female turtles don’t have balls.

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This woman has turned out to be the Sharon Angle of 2014. She makes outrageous comments about using her 2nd Amendment remedy, if the government does something she doesn’t like, and she runs away from the media, well unless anyone still considers Fux part of the media.

Yeah, right. She’ll line up and do what she’s told. Let’s just hope that it will be in the vote for minority leader.

first intelligent thing she’s said her entire life…

Lemme guess. She’d support Ted Cruz.

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What did she say? Nothing? That’s what I thought.