Discussion: Jon Stewart's Most Memorable Eviscerations As Host of 'The Daily Show' (VIDEO)

Discussion for article #233146

A new “caste”?


“What a long, strange trip it’s been.”

i was just about to ask the same thing. perhaps josh could dismantle “the slice” and with the money saved hold a workshop for staff on how to correctly use a thesaurus.

It’s the Indian version of TDS.

The Crossfire appearance was one of my favorites of his. He got on there and ‘kept it real’, and it was glorious.


I loved his interview with CHris Wallace


The original “Go Fuck Yourself” skit should be on this list.

I loved his impersonation of Glen Beck: an entire show with Jon at the chalkboard drawing and explaining convoluted, crazy diagrams and making crazy eyes at the camera in Glen-Beck mode.


I’ve never watched that much of Chris Wallace, he’s a genuine idiot.

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By far, my most treasured Jon Stewart evisceration:

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The only problem is that now Crossfire is everywhere on cable news. It’s unusual when there aren’t at least two people arguing.


The post-Cheney-shooting show was epic, and a pretty good takedown, too, since they used it to mock the Bushies’ increasingly desperate attempts to justify the Iraq war as the reality of no WMDs was sinking in.

I’ve been walking around in a bummed stooper all day since I learned about his announcement. I am legitimately bummed. The world needs him. He’s the only person left that speaks truth to power in this tabloid world we live in. I hope he reconsiders.

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Impossible to pick just 5. How can you not include his out Becking Glenn Beck? Chalkboard and all? But with only 5…?

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Just commented the same, then saw your post. I know…I know!

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Any list without the Zell Miller at the 2004 RNC segment is invalid.

The New York Times has more (but some are the same as here)

I seem to remember JS regretting the Mad Money one? The guy did pretty well in the face of some pretty hostile stuff.

I don’t understand this over-the-top reaction. Jon Stewart’s departure has received more attention than the shootings in North Carolina. Clearly, Americans haven’t put any demands on the media if the best “news” show we’ve got is The Daily Show. Notice how Tucker Carlson and his brand of “journalism” prevails, because that’s what ill-informed Americans want.

It was a great show. Instead of me watching the show and relaxing by taking a break from reality, it was me relaxing and having Jon affirm I wasn’t crazy regarding the reality of the Sh_t Show that was happening in the USA.

Yeah. Fun times. I watched the Daily Show INSTEAD OF the news