Discussion: Jon Stewart Wonders 'What The F*ck Is Going On' In Iraq? (VIDEO)

Discussion for article #223888

And guess who thinks we need to get “a few troops” back to Iraq ASAP?

I’ll give you a minute…

Yup! John “Bomb Bomb Bomb, Bomb Bomb Whatever” McCain!

Shocking, I know! He is SUCH a pacifist…

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In Iraq, we must support the pro-Iranian dictator against the Al Qaeda guys, while, in Syria, we must support the Al Qaeda guys against the pro-Iranian dictator. It’s very confusing.


Well hopefully McCain will be invited on one of the upcoming Sunday shows to explain it all. I mean, if his schedule allows, of course.

I’ll tell you WTF is going on in Iraq. George Dumbass Bush and Dick Dickless Cheney and a few spare goons invaded them and turned not only Iraq but Syria and a good part of the Middle East into a cycular war zone with an abnormally developed hatred for America. They then proceeded to pussyfoot their way out of their desired quagmire and have been inflaming the whole goddamn thing from the sidelines ever since. The Bush administration is/was the core of the axis of evil.
They also got the really nice ancillary effect of emboldening North Korea and pillaging America while gutting the world’s economy.

Iraq, due to twelve years of war, hundreds of thousands dead and the fact that it was just a scam on us Americans is the focal point. But BushCo had numerous failures and real scandals that are effecting our everyday lives constantly.
In a sickening sort of comedic way, Iraq is a distraction.


But, but, but, . . . . Joe Biden said Iraq stability “among Obama’s great achievements.”

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Go f’k yourself


Let me get this straight. After ten years of violent war that left over 100,000 Iraqis dead and many more wounded forever, you mean to tell me there’s still people there who don’t like us?

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One day the world may want to get even with America. But then, I’m sure they have great respect for our war criminals and profiteers. Some probably have a statue of “bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran” McCain. Pictures of Darth Cheney, Rummy, and the Village Idiot on their walls. They use them all for target practice. And now Obama is sending a ship within striking distance. Way to go! Can’t let the wars end.

Typical Chammy comment displaying an understanding of how abandoning an ally to its enemies furthers the cause of peace and understand ing throughout the world. You are one sharp dude, Mr. Chammy.

Now if you had stopped after your first three words, I’d have no choice but to agree with you. But then you go on as if America has allies in the Middle East! Seriously? Your argument sounds just like the arguments for “more war!” that I remember from the sixties and we all know how that worked out. Don’t we?

There is no way the US is going to effect any kind of durable change in the Middle East at the end of gun barrels, drones, bombings, carpet bombings, or by the use of anything weapons manufacturers promote.

19 billions to train and supply the Iraqi army and they strip out of their uniforms, drop their weapons and abandon the Humvees we gave them and they run for their lives because they are not going to fight for a corrupt government.

I feel sorry for the women.