Discussion: Jon Stewart Skewers Correspondents' Dinner: 'Incestuous Clusterf*ck' (VIDEO)

Discussion for article #235739

The closer Washington gets to Hollywood the more they deal in the same product; fantasy.


Without the glamor


“Incestuous Clusterfuck”

Well, of course it was. What else could you have been thinking?

Baltimore is on fire - let’s have a 5 course meal at the White House, spend the eveing cracking jokes, and secretly work to pass the secret TPP tade scam that will export even more jobs to other countries where workers earn 56 cents an hour!

Obama was elected to change things…instead Obama was changed and becomes more Republican with each passing day!

Baltimore is on fire - could AMERICA BE NEXT? Obama - you completely screwed up.

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Get a calendar!

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Thank you for conceding that Republicans would do worse than Democrats in these situations.

Whatever. Just laugh at the jokes.

Get a calendar!

It’s Obama’s fault if he doesn’t have a calendar!!!

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It looks like someone is still smarting because they didn’t get their magic pony.


CELEBRITY WORSHIP and Red-carpet interviews…WT???

The View, Nicole Wallace , her celebrity identity, is that she’s a Republican…LOL


Oil and water do not mix. An Politician who believes they belong on a Red Carpet parading around, waiting for an interview or a photo opt, is clearly in the wrong occupation. To me it’s a conflict of interests…

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Gonna miss John Stewart…

Not at the White House. And here’s the basic scoop:
The WHCA’s annual dinner, begun in 1920, has become a Washington, D.C. tradition and is usually attended by the President and Vice President. Fifteen presidents have attended at least one WHCA dinner, beginning with Calvin Coolidge in 1924. The dinner is traditionally held on the evening of the last Saturday in April at the Washington Hilton.

The dinner has been cancelled 3 times: 1930 when Taft died; 1942 for US entry into WWII; and 1951 over what Truman felt was the uncertainty of world events. (source is Wikipedia, mostly because who wants to research this just to prove… oh hell, I did want to, but quickly)

Yeah, so… Obama. Pretty much. Unless… Benghazi!

Go2goal, the suggestion will be made, after reading the history of this event, that YOU screwed up with such a baseless retort. And yes… the dinner… held WAY before the marches or riots.

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Oh yes. And let’s not forget that everyone laughed when Bush pantomimed a search for WMD at the WHCA dinner in 2004.

It’s a despicable tradition in this day when the idea of partisanship means the mostly DINO senate bending over more often than not for the Rethugs. It’s only interesting when someone comes on as Stephen Colbert did two years later and made most of the assembled very uncomfortable.

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Personally, I liked Obama’s anger translator.

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Me too.