Discussion: Jon Stewart Needles Megyn Kelly For Letting GOP Corruption Slide (VIDEO)

Discussion for article #236127

Folks talk about how smart she is. I’m not sure I’ve seen that with my own eyes.


You want a conflict of interest, Every two years Fox News, like every other channel, makes its living from campaign ads at full ad rates. Where do you think those billions go? Well, force broadcasters, who hold public licenses, to sell them at steep discounts to candidates and watch the broadcasters squeal like pigs in gestation crates.




This was an example on the GOP side, but if we want reform on campaign finance, money in politics, and corruption, we have to recognize and show that this is a bi-partisan issue.

GOP policies probably cater to the top 1% more than Democratic policies (I say this because there is often a divide in what dems say, and what they do). So how do we explain that the GOP hold the house, the senate, and a majority of the state legislatures? Clearly +95% of GOP voters are voting against their self interests. This is probably due to other issues like gay marriage, abortion, immigration and foreign policy. But government corruption and big money donors affect them just as much as they affect dems. Liberals need to do a better job of reaching out to the right and showing that this isn’t a partisan issue.

The problem is that the GOP has the hot button scary issues–gay marriage, abortion, immigration, and foreign policy–and the Democrats have issues that evoke a smattering of fear based emotion. A lot of voters are only motivated to vote when they believe that something they fear is on the ballot. All other issues are irrelevant in the face of something that evokes a strongly negative response. Democrats have nothing really to counter that.


I don’t know. The fear that Rupert Murdoch will soon take all your money and your freedom and pervert your way of life seems like something to fear. As once again he proved in the UK, he’s getting away with it. It’s all about marketing. Murdoch has that down to a science, even better than the scientists.

“The question remains…”

Indeed it does.

Who gets the billions in dollars being raised covertly by politicians? Could it possibly be the medium with the friendliest advertising package?

Keep ramming the message home:

“The billionaires are trying to buy the election. The billionaires are trying to buy the election.”


The right wing operates on two basic principles:

Principle 1: It’s OK If You’re a Republican (Up to and including dead interns)

Principle 2: It’s Always A Scandal If You’re a Clinton (Up to and including live interns)

Everything else is just a smoke screen.


Autoplay doesn’t start on my computer when I visit this page. You may need to change something in your settings. Go to Google and type in “how to prevent autoplay on websites.”

Oddly I don’t get autoplay articles here on TPM but if I visit cnn.com and poke on a story that autoplay crap happens every damned time. Same computer settings on my one laptop between the two sites. I too do not enjoy autoplay. So, I look for the button to pause the video as fast as possible and then read the story. but I will take your advice and search for a way to nix autoplay if possible thru computer settings. CNN does what they do, I suppose, because they think visitors are incapable of reading and reasoning for themselves.

Taking the time to complain about Faux’s standard business practices is about as worthy an effort as smashing your face into a wall.

Yes, it makes for funny jokes but it has absolutely zero affect except to embolden the Faux scum to ruffle liberal feathers even further. A change for the better is not forthcoming. Jon Stewart has made his career proving this and has handed the baton off to the next generation of Faux bashers that will repeat the process.
Its as meaningless as it gets.