Discussion: Jon Stewart Mocks Fox News' 'Hypocritical Outrage' On Benghazi (VIDEO)

Discussion for article #222425

Also would like to note: it was the GOP that cut funding for Embassy protections:

Utah Rep.Jason Chaffetz has been a leading proponent of Benghazi conspiracy theories, yet even he isn’t shy to proclaim his votes against diplomatic security:

O’BRIEN: Is it true that you voted to cut the funding for embassy security?

CHAFFETZ: Absolutely. Look, we have to make priorities and choices in this country.

TOUCHE !! Mr Stewart.


The FOX people all have that angry schnauzer look.


Consistency has never been a hallmark of conservatism.


Watch as conservatives will say “Why do you always want to change the subject?”

Never expect anything but double standard outrage from conservatives, from Fox. That’s their bread and butter, their raison d’être.

As the TPM says on top blah,blah,blah get some new talking points [material] its getting old. New slogan Killary for 2016 not Hillary.

Chaffetz and Grimm are the same person.

poor repubs obviously too complicated for them to understand how the rest of America views them.

Those at the top of the GOP know damn well what they’re doing. It’s worked well in the past. Manufacturing outrage and building scandals is what they do. It’s pure propaganda, and I can guarantee you that any Fox News pundit couldn’t give a flying shit about anybody who died in Benghazi. The real problem in all this is that a sizable chunk of the American electorate is too dumb to see through it.


If only that were true. What is true is that in close electoral races such propaganda campaigns may be enough to make the difference by a few votes, those most swayed by the long-enough-and-loud-enough lies.

I’m thinking more like a pack of really obstreperous Miniature Pinschers

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O-rage in FoxLand = Obama rage.

wonder if they can remember their names without a prompt?


Normally, I would agree but the only people who are swayed by this Benghazi talk, the only people who are even hearing it, are already voting Republican.


Just brilliant!!!..and as always conservatives will just dismiss it as “its not real news, he is a comedian”

They know what they are doing but it is not for the same reasons they usually pump the conspiracy theory crazy out there, at least not completely the same reason. Now they also want to change the subject from Obamacare. Their base has not yet realized they lost AGAIN on that one and that the GOP politicians are giving up on repeal. Therefore, time to get all “outraged” at something, anything to take the heat off their latest failure. Always good to have a BENGHAZI in the closet for such an occasion.

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Yep, they are doing what they do best, hating to the choir.


" We’ve seen this movie before. Only that movie was on an IMAX."

Instead of an opening statement, everybody who appears in front of Congressman Boy Howdy’s committee should wheel up a TV set and play Stewart’s close.

Time for some new material yourself, drool - all your “getting old” comments are getting old.