Discussion: Jon Stewart Is Ready To Puke Over Senate Torture Report (VIDEO)

Discussion for article #231001

Bbbbbbbuttt…We have already jailed people over the use of torture…uhhhhh…OK OK…We jailed ONE PERSON and…uhhhh…He was the ONE frickin’ person who tried to do the right thing and expose it!

One of the great tragedies here is that no one will be held accountable, face justice and go to jail. The Bush Torture Cabal during Shrub’s Reign of Terror will go along scott free and denying it all and face no consequences, while the Republican Media Cesspool and Rightie Propaganda Network, aka FOX News, will cheer for the torturers and their bosses and shout: “We’re awesome! USA…USA…USA…”, and their sheeple low/no info watchers will cheer… and the one person who actually tried to blow the whistle on the depraved mess goes to jail. “Murrikan’ Es-septualism’! We’re AWESOME…Torture’s AWESOME…We’re No # 1…We’re No # 1…” The Rightie Loons believe if we just don’t talk about it, don’t expose it, pretend it never happened (and if it did, it’s OK if WE do it) then all’s right with the world…and all the while our most cherished ideals and goals continue to be eroded by their slavish devotion to a fantasy land America.


No shit Sherlock! (Sorry, I just had to do that!)


Soooo’ tempting, huh? And …I wouldn’t ‘shit’ ya’! (>‿◠):v:

Indeed – if Jon Stewart really wants to get sick, he should ponder the fact that no one will be held accountable. Pelosi took impeachment off the table abrogating her sworn duty, and Obama insisted we “move forward not back,” with the net effect of lowering the bar of accountability for all future administrations.

Which brings us to today. The Republicans are salivating at the prospect of impeaching Obama for something meaningless. They’ve held endless hearings at immense taxpayer expense over trumped up matters confirmed and reconfirmed to be trumped up matters.

But no, we can’t hold war criminals accountable, because Fox News will go ballistic. Nothing will happen in the wake of this disclosure. Absolutely nothing. Let the vomiting commence.


People will be outraged online for a few days, maybe use a clever hashtag, and then just move on.

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We torture people in horrendous ways, and no one goes to prison. We basically allow a cop to execute a man on the street on “suspicion” of selling untaxed cigarettes, and hold some kangaroo Grand Jury that decides the killing was justified. Remind me again what a so called “democracy” is?


Even with all you state, the voters put these same scumbags back in power and gave us more!!
I think I’m almost as sickened at the average American that sees nothing wrong with this!!

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I attribute this to the same fundamental reason: the party to which I once belonged won’t fight for anything they view as politically risky against a backdrop of right-wing corporate-controlled propaganda, no matter if it’s the right thing to do.

We have no hope of the public taking a stand against torture unless someone stands up and not only says that it’s wrong, but that it has consequences on the persons engaging in it. Same with thug cops. Same with banksters. Only now has someone mustered the guts to put Don Blankenship under scrutiny beyond mere words. But just try to sell loose cigarettes on the street…


Binge and purge–it the American way.

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Drip by drip, Snowden is exonerated by the very evidence that was released 2 years ago. Same goes for Manning. Where is the justice in keeping these 2 in harms way?

“Snowden is my personal hero.” ~ D. Ellsberg

Bullsht! I ALREADY voted into power the people YEARS AGO that said they stood against this shit, but caved minutes after being sworn in!!!

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Your post takes me back to Ford pardoning Nixon for Watergate…

Seems the GOP meme is to oppose the release of this report. Except for John McCain. He may be the only GOP’er currently in office who understands.

Actually we jailed one other person for torture: a Japanese soldier who waterboarded American soldiers in world war II.