Discussion: Jon Stewart Challenges Mitch McConnell To Prove He's Not A Turtle (VIDEO)

Discussion for article #232904

Congressman Hastings: Something to like about Florida besides the beaches.


I’m no McConnell fan, but I think Stewart has wrung every possible bit of humor out of this bit. It simply fails to rise to the level of most other worthwhile DS efforts.

Well the Republicans have been proving Jon Stewart wrong by all the legislation that’s come out of Congress, right? They told us they had a big agenda and it was going to happen right away. A month has gone by. They must have done a bunch of stuff.

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Should have used a Saudi leaf…

Haha…he also had some great lines making fun of Tillis and his ridiculous hand-washing free-marketism.

Also, I have to say I’m really liking Wilmore’s show so far. Last night’s was great.

LIKE THIS story is about one of those OLD-CRUSTY-WHITE-GUYS Aaron Schock denounced. I wonder what the color-of-choice Mitch painted on the walls of his SELF-CONTAINED home???

Really stupid, long running joke. Ad hominem attacks and picking on a person’s physical appearance are pointless and embarrassing.

I am ready to donate to Hastings next campaign…just for that! The way he said “when hell freezes over” was priceless…delivered with perfection

but he really does look like a turtle…and I think everyone is aware he isnt one…lighten up