Discussion: John Oliver Accuses Members Of Congress Of Being 'Chicken-F*ckers' (VIDEO)

Discussion for article #236446

Simply awesome!


Here’s the list of the House’s members on the Appropriation Committee. If your House member is listed here write them about the “Chicken’s Will Make You Rich,” scheme or scam run by the major chicken producers!!

The following is the list of top chicken-producers in the country!

Maybe the Feds ought to look at the RICO statutes to see if laws have been broken, since all these company’s cross state lines in doing their chicken rip-off business!


I work for a company that makes equipment the poultry companies use to process the chickens once they are taken from the farmers. And I can say that I hear stories of how rich the poultry company owners are, multiple big houses, boats, planes that they fly to big sporting events etc. We’re busy as we can be trying to make enough equipment to keep up with the production rates, we get paid very well for what we build as I’m sure the poultry upper level managers, engineers, accountants and maintenance folks do too. Seems like the other folks getting screwed by the poultry companies are the workers in their processing factories. I’m betting many of them live at very low income levels doing monotonous work living in rural areas that don’t have many other job options and I know there is a very high turnover rate. Many are folks from poor countries outside the US. Guess what race I don’t see much in the production level…just sayin’…I’d kind of describe it as a stateside sweatshop operation.

And they will probably move farming and process operations offshore to get away with paying the farmers and workers even less if they can find a cheap way to ship it stateside “fresh”.


Wish Oliver had been chosen as Stewart’s replacement.


This is what the left should be doing rather than standing around showing off their degrees, using fifteen syllable words and saying how “above it all” they are. I’m a liberal and I’m not above it all.

By any means necessary.

This is effectively a hard core example of “Capitalism for and by the 1%”. Not a level playing field.

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You should see this frontline special about chicken if you think John Oliver’s video was bad

You might never eat chicken again.
To sum it up…1 in 4 packages of chicken is contaminated with Salmonella. Some is capable of causing blood infections and death. Much of it is becoming antibiotic resistant, and cross contamination is becoming very hard to avoid in your kitchen.

Chickens have been found to be infected with Avian flu, and it’s spreading across the country.

. http://www.nytimes.com/2015/05/12/business/lethal-strain-of-avian-flu-makes-its-way-east-to-indiana.html

Every day a vegan diet looks better and better

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