Discussion: John McCain Tells GOP Debate Complainers To 'Man Up And Move On'

Discussion for article #242476

Tell us how many Senate votes you missed while campaigning. As I recall, when the economy hit the fan in Autumn 2008, you wanted the whole campaign to stop while you caught your breath, but Obama taught you that man-up-and-move-on strategy.


McCain Mans-Up™ on Fiorina’s Man’ing-up™ to tell the men to Man-Up™.

(rolls eyes)


It doesn’t have to be all POTUS election all the time, TPM. How about covering something important like the idiocy going on with the ACA’s co-ops and how the GOP and good ole Ben Nelson set them up to fail from the get-go in order to protect the insurance giants from competition? And how they’re now failing and the GOP/Teatrolls are now trying to pretend they had nothing to do with it?

I feel safe speaking for everyone when I say that we really don’t feel the need to hear and sniff every single mouth-fart that comes out of these idiots mouths about the POTUS election. Nobody gives a fuck what McCain has to say anymore except his estate planners.


Life is bad when you have to say this to the candidates of your own party.


Says the guy who unleashed Palin on the country. Without that, none of this happens. He simply lowered the bar to the point where any idiot can play, and have.


This isn’t even a “man up” situation. This is just “play ball.” Get your asses back out there and do your job.


“John McCain Tells GOP Debate Complainers To ‘Man Up’….”

It’s a mystery why Senator McCain lost single, separated, divorced, and widowed women to President Obama by a whopping 70 to 29 percent.

Like the Voynich Manuscript. Or the Wow Signal. Or Jimmy Hoffa.

We’ll just never know…


No Senator McCain their complaints are NOT legitimate, your Party and conservatives have been whining, crying, bitching & moaning about the Librul media going back as far as Spirro Agnew: Nattering Nabobs of Negativism…That’s a long time! It’s a tactic been for a long time and you and your conservative compatriots can’t seem to retire. It makes you guys look like perpetual whiners and crybabies. There is absolutely NO truth to this myth…when someone question you with facts and reason, that does not constitute Librul bias.


Only lieCarly has the tools to “man up” in this GOP primary death march. And as The View’s crew has attested, it’s not a pretty sight :fist:

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Man up? You’re saying man up?

This from the guy that’s been whining and crying since President Obama cleaned his clock. The constant insults, and griping. That stupid snarl of his.

Is that what “manning up” is to you jony mc?


Before campaigning he had the worst attendance record. While campaigning he did not show up at all for over two friggin years! Zip, zero, nada!

Yeah, and he’s running for another friggin term too…

Ouch-it must really sting when grampie mcsame rebukes you!

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It never crossed my mind, to tell you the truth."
It never crossed your mind to vet Palin either, huh, Gramps?
Thanks a bunch for that, Buddy.

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Good stuff, ID