Discussion for article #223099
What could any committee possibly think to learn from Kerry, who wasn’t in the administration at the time?
Learn from Kerry? Hell I am trying to figure out they are going to learn that is not already known from the previous - 13 hearings, 50 briefings and 25,000 pages of documents.
You and me both…
I think we all know that these hearings have nothing to do with “learning” anything.
Clearly if they haven’t learned what they need to know by now then they have a learning disability
This is all about getting Hillary Clinton in a room in front of TV cameras and pelting her with insulting, accusatory questions and hoping that she will snap, take the bait and say something she will regret later. Beyond that, there is absolutely no point to any of this.
Why Kerry? Rand Paul and Ted Cruz on busy those days?
Why not someone of real importance on this issue, like:
- Lush Rimbaugh? I’m sure he’d be willing to speak just to hear his own voice. He thinks he knows all there is to know about Benghazi - what else does one need to testify?
- Chris Christie? Haven’t heard him lie in public for a week or so.
- Sheldon Adelson?
- Charles Koch?
- Charlie Sheen?
- General Shinseki?
Why not Octomom?
If I was Kerry, I’d have a placard on the table in front of me with the number of people in the questioner’s district who have run out of unemployment insurance benefits and need them renewed. Then whatever I was asked I would respond with “I already answered that at Hearing X.Y or Z.”
I agree. Any witness called should use the Bachman/Blackburn approach. Have a list of things they would like to talk about, and then then answer from the list regardless of the question. Of course these are Democrats we’re talking about so they will still be clinging to some quaint idea about playing “fair” in spite of the surroundings.
Can’t imagine what they’re going to ask him.
He’s our best weapon! Five minutes into his testimony, the GOP Reps and Fox viewers will be comatose.
Yes, another opportunity for Issa come across as the nitwit he is.
If that’s their goal, then they will be severely disappointed.
Hillary Clinton has been ordered to testify at hearings, had all kinds of bogus charges thrown at her, and has generally been slandered and demonized for more than 20 years. She’s still standing, and as strong as ever.
She’s no pushover or shrinking violet.
Well, there it is……our summer soap opera drama.
My prediction for this match: Massive pwnage.
Kerry isn’t running for anything and likely never will again, so he’s free to treat these psychopaths in the Republiderp Party like the spoiled, not-too-bright children that they are.
If Issa wants to subpoena Secretaries of State who had nothing to do with the events that took place in Benghazi on 9/11/12, here’s a short list of those he should include besides John Kerry:
- Henry Kissinger (could also ask about failures in Vietnam)
- George Shultz (could also ask about failures in Lebanon that killed 241 Marines)
- Colin Powell (could also ask about events of 9/11/01 and failures in Iraq)
- Condi Rice could also ask about events of 9/11/01 and failures in Iraq)
“The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said Kerry agreed to testify on June 12 or June 20, adding that his appearance “will eliminate any need” for him to appear a second time before the House select committee on Benghazi.”
With all the grueling international traveling Kerry has to do, this may be the perfect opporunity for him to catch up on his sleep. He should wear those glasses with pictures of open eyes on the lenses.