Kasich is still trying to get rid of “W” in 2000 and everything that follows.
Then he wants to fix the education funding HE and the legislature screwed up.
To quote the majority of Ohio Republican primary voters, “#neverKasich”
Not that I think he’s worthy of the office, but the hell didn’t he vote for himself? The man did run for the nomination after all. Guess he didn’t think so either?
This is excellent news…for John McCain!
Kasich didn’t vote for himself because he knows he is not as qualified as Hillary.
What a fool, your silly little protest vote is basically a vote for Trump.
I wither at your manliness sir.
Yes, Kasich is always a decade or a decade and a half too late.
No one in Franklin County Ohio has ever said that to Kasich.
Good. One less Republican vote.
Only Trump could make me feel affection for Megyn Kelly and now Kasich. Thanks Donald for uniting us all.
Neither McCain nor Kasich are substantially better than The Rump on any macro topic that political campaigns should be about. Both Rumpublicans support their nominee, no matter how badly his micro behaviors lead them to deny it out of survival instinct. Both Rumpublicans believe in some sort of Platonic ideal, in something true, or real, or essential about conservatism and their beloved GOP. In both their formulations, The Rump is a betrayal instead of the logical outcome.
In my opinion, both are turds in a giant septic tank, whose protests that the place smelled like roses until The Rump belly flopped into the middle of it, ring hollow and disingenuous at best. Every Republican is a Rumpublican now.
Yes, Kasich has spent decades pretending he is a moderate and not Trump in the primaries when he is just as awful.
They must ALL be defeated, or by their own public promises, there will be 8 more years of shutdowns, default threats, Benghazi email bullshit, phony Obamacare repeals, renaming Post Offices and other generalized dumb fuckery.
Kasich is a pussy.
I not only call “bullshit” on this, I call “SUPREME BULSHIT!” on this. I have watched this vain, pompous, lying, phony, unctuous motherfucker for decades, and if anything, he wrote in his own goddamned name.
John Kasich is Donald Trump with better hair and a worse complexion. But, of course, he’s the media’s “moderate Republican” darling. He make Mrs. Greenspan heart go pitter-pat!
How dare you tell the truth about my former congresscreep and current governor!
Another “Partei Before Country” Republican asshole.
Thanks for trying to fuck over the country, you cowardly prick.
No sorry, another politician before party and/or country asshole.
Kasich could have shown some real courage and told people that he was voting for Hillary, and they should do the same. He’s popular enough that that would have put Ohio out of Trump’s reach, and with it, the election. But he showed the typical Republican backbone of limp spaghetti.
He really does not have that much power in our state. He is beholden to the gerrymandered Teavangelical legislature,