Discussion for article #239931
I have no idea why he renamed it, but if the ability to do so is something the President is legally allowed to do, then, by definition, it is not overstepping his bounds.
No he didn’t, Kasich. The law is the law. Whine all you want about a forgettable President’s name being struck from a mountain that, as Jordan Kleper noted, he never even knew about. So, shove off, Kasich.
He didn’t rename it. He restored its original name. Alaskans already call it Denali and not Mt. McKinley. If the Ohio legislators want to honor McKinley, they should name something in Ohio after him.
The Alaskan Congressional Delegation has been pushing for the name change for some time, as have many in Alaska. Ohio’s Congressional Delegation have been blocking any and all efforts in Congress to change the name.
“Ohio knows every carnation is a monument to our own William McKinley”
The little tyrant can never take your carnations.
No mention of Kenya… hmmm…
They’re slipping.
ONCE aGAIN HERR OHBuMmer, his ADMINIStraTION rife WITH DICtaTORY, MAKEs a MOVE HITLER himself WOULD BE PROud of: re-RENAMING a MOUntain. IS YOU have NO SHAME!1!!1!!!1!!!one!!1!!!
Hey John - how’s about you tell us what you did as Managing Director at Lehman Brothers from 2001 right up to the financial collapse in 2008. What did you do to earn the $400k bonus in 2008 as your company was going bankrupt and melting down the US financial system.
Then we can talk about William McKinley. ok?
Dan the Fan says the same thing about people who want him to get rid of the Washington Redskins nickname.
The NFL could learn lots from the President.
The best thing McKinley ever did was get capped so Teddy Fucking Roosevelt could become president.
I love all this sudden praise for McKinley. Mr. Full Dinner Pail himself. Tell me, when was the last time any of you ate out of a fucking bucket?
I know the GOP wants to go back to McK’s economic policies but I can’t help thinking, who was it who became president after McKinley had his guts blown out again? I forget.
They’re just pissed off cause he ignored them and got something done.
Rename Campbell Hill, in Bellefontaine, Mt. McKinley…or Hill of Beans, for all it really matters. Go away, John.
Waaaaaaaah, he took away one of our symbols of manifest destiny fueled white dominance and having conquered the continent and subjugated the natives!!! It’s not fair it’s not fair it’s not fair!!!
Kasich tries to squeze every drop out of this lemon, he is running for president after all.
Maybe he should wow to rename the mountain back to ‘McKinley’ when/if he becomes president ?
I am sure that would be a winning platform nationwide.
Translation of Kasich’s remark: "Obama is just getting uppity."
Awwww, is the poor widdo Republican Governor butt-hurt?
Ask us if we care, go ahead, ask…
There’s still the R senator from OH we haven’t heard from, old what’s his name. Oops, my bad. He already did and on schedule. I hope Senator Brown doesn’t lower himself into this juvenile even if it’s defense of the renaming.