Coming from an Ohio pol, that’s something! Why doesn’t someone call out Trump’s claim by asking whether his getting the GOP nomination was also rigged? And by the media as well?
"It’s a travesty of a mockery of a sham of a mockery of a travesty of two mockeries of a sham!"
A few weeks ago, when Hillary’s polls were down, Kasich had a chance to show a profile in courage by announcing that he would vote for her and urging others to do so. He is popular enough in Ohio that it would have swung the state, and the election.
Now, not so much.
There needs to be more high profile R’s following Kaish’s lead.
What?! We landed on the moon?!!
I thought that was a movie!
John Kasich Calls Claims Election Is Rigged ‘A Big Fat Joke’
Leave Chris Christie outa this!
I appreciate his doing this, it’s welcome, but appeals to rationality, common sense, and logic have no effect on conspiracy theorists. That’s what makes them conspiracy theorists in the first place.
At the start of this very long and painful Presidential campaign, before all the candidates had declared, when asked who I thought was the strongest Republican candidate my answer was John Kasich is the Republican candidate that as a Democrat I fear the most.
I still think that he is the candidate that could have given Clinton the most difficult path to election. She would not be walking away with the Presidency if the Republicans had not gone completely off the rails and chosen a buffoon as their candidate.
Kasich will come out of this reasonably unscathed. He knew which way the wind was blowing in OH and most likely, the country so there was no point in sacrificing his dignity ala Ted Cruz. Unfortunately, he has no constituency on a national level and so those dreams are gone. Maybe he’ll run for Gov again.
What Trump is doing is de-legitimizing the peaceful transfer of power in a country which has had a tradition of Representative Government.
Granted that there have been restrictions on what the term “representative” means (i.e., property requirements, “race”, gender, etc.)…but there was never a broad tradition of forcible transfer of power in the United States. Even the War Between the States offered the idea of Representative Government as an outcome [of (a) two separate entities or (b) one union] either of which would offer some tradition of peaceful transfer of power.
What Trump is putting forth is unprecedented.
To go down that path, after 8 November, would be National Suicide and the United States, as a recognizable entity, would cease to exist within a shorter period of time that most people would imagine. Moreover, the idea that Trump would operate a mass organ of communication promoting this line of thinking is exponentially worse that anything he has said or done to date.
It is the responsibility of the Fourth Estate to forcibly admonish Trump specifically, the GOP generally and THEMSELVES for the scourge this Destroyer-Of-America has wrought.
After all, it was Les Moonves and his MSM ilk who enabled what Bill Maher CORRECTLY referred to as a “Sudetenland Moment”.
They should have stopped Trump when he was the weakest.
I agree for the general, and I recall polls showing that too, but he sure didn’t seem to get much traction in the primaries. You have to wonder how much enthusiasm lack that would have caused him. Interesting to ponder. I don’t want him or anyone like to to be in office at any level but it would have been a saner campaign season if he’d won.
I call bullshit. We know who is doing the rigging
Ohboyohboyohboyohboyohboy Watch me in 2020 says Kasich
What about this stuff homeboy. You and that tool Husted
Ohio Democrats Expose New Ohio Voting Laws as Modern-Day Literacy Tests, Voter Suppression
Northeast Ohio Coalition for the Homeless (NEOCH) v. Husted, and here’s what we learned:
Lawfully registered Ohioans have had their votes thrown out because of minor, technical mistakes with their absentee or provisional ballot paperwork.
For example, a voter might write his name in cursive, rather than printing his or her name in the section asking for his or her name, or a voter might make a single-digit error with his or her Social Security number.
These sorts of mistakes lead to ballots being tossed — even if elections officials can verify the voter’s identity.
The laws governing whether to accept an absentee or provisional ballot are enforced differently depending on what county a voter lives in.
The Ohio Secretary of State’s office is aware of all of this — and apparently doesn’t think it’s a problem.
Husted claims that in Ohio it’s “easy to vote” — but that is plainly not the case, certainly not for seniors, people with disabilities and communities of color, as we learned during this trial.
Husted also claims to emphasize “uniformity and equality” in Ohio’s elections — but that is plainly not the case when certain counties choose to toss absentee ballots for technical errors and other counties choose not to
Joke? Yes, a widespread concerted effort to delegitimize the peaceful democratic transfer of power that constitutes the lynchpin upon which our entire nation’s and government’s well-being hinges, is fucking hilarious…especially the part where it’s blatantly intended to cause rampant violence and domestic terrorism in response to the target audience’s candidate losing.
“One of my great friends here is the head of the board of elections.”
If Gov Kasich can go to Doug Preisse and his male partner’s wedding, he certainly is going to support his efforts as Chairman of the Franklin County Board of Elections.
Big Election got to him.
I said the same thing. On paper he looked mighty strong, popular Gov of Ohio etc. Unfortunately he was too moderate and tame for the angry white men crowd. Jeb Bush had the same issue. Kasich would have made a great VP choice for someone with a bit more personality, even a Romney type. On the other hand, it’s a relief that Hillary can win without Ohio - it takes it out of the must-win category going forward.
He’s also a pretty prickly guy. The general is a test unlike any other, so I know why he might look viable at first, but I don’t think he has the um… stamina.
Only Trump and his entourage of clown-car rejects could make an extremist like Kasich look “moderate”…
I wonder if Kasich has ever considered the overlap between the group that believes “elections are rigged and all these votes are stolen” and the group that believes “we never landed on the moon,” frankly.