Discussion: John Bolton: Out of the Presidential Race, But Still Into the Iraq War

Discussion for article #236384

Bolton is incapable of regret. It would be an admission of failure on his behalf and no matter how much disaster his perverted thinking produces he will NEVER admit to being wrong. He cannot do that.


I don’t fault his neoconservative. It the self centered, oblivious bastard in him I detest. For him to regret the war he’s have to be capable of empathy and feeling for other than himself. He isn’t. He’s a self centered egomaniac. An mental lightweight with an intelligence schtick. The sight of him is enraging but what angers me most about him is that he gets away with his phony tough guy persona ( he sure as shit never faced an enemy’s rifle ) like his buddy GW and no one calls him down on the fact he’s never done a fucking thing but run his mouth.


I wish Christopher Hitchens was still alive; I imagine he’d still be defending his support of our Iraq adventure somehow.

As he pointed out, our engagement with Iraq didn’t begin with the Iraq War. As I think he would have pointed out (more eloquently and convincingly than I), we’re not done there yet.

I was against the Iraq War before it began, and see it as a Tragedy That Keeps on Giving (or Taking.) Still, in that vein, it’s difficult, but not impossible, to imagine that we may yet see beneficial breakthroughs in the region and throughout the world that could be attributed, in small part, to this… I’m not sure what to call it. War crime, maybe. But the future is unwritten!

thats right nothing bad happened between 02’ and 11’…fucking delusional. THis guys more dangerous advising any one

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I too, would like to announce to the country that I, Wile E.Coyote am not running for President. I hope this puts all the rumors to bed. Thank you and may the spirit of Elvis Presley bless America!

Bolton want on to say that those who consider the Iraq war a mistake “can’t assume if [Hussein] had stayed in power, sweetness and light would prevail in the Middle East today.”

No John, Hussein staying in power would not bring “sweetness and light.” However our not invading Iraq would have likely avoided the complete meltdown that we are now seeing in the Middle East and would of allowed us to focus on neutralizing Al-Qaeda who, in case you missed it, were not present in Iraq until after we invaded and toppled the Hussein regime and bollixed up the rebuilding of an Iraqi government. Even better, there would be 4500 more American troops alive today and a few tens of thousands who would not be crippled today.

Please John, crawl back into your hole and stay there. You and your neo-con brethren have screwed up the world enough.


Bolton want on to say that those who consider the Iraq war a mistake “can’t assume if [Hussein] had stayed in power, sweetness and light would prevail in the Middle East today.”

You’re right. About the only thing I CAN assume is that 50,000 dead kids wouldn’t have had their lives thrown away for nothing.

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One of the nuttiest to ever have real foreign policy juice and influence the guy is poison and I wonder how the Israeli intelligence service sized him up. I bet the Saudis loved him.

This guy is so delusional that he doesn’t even realize the Iraq War fiasco directly resulted in President Obama’s victory in the Democratic primary, and ultimately in the general election. You’d think he’d regret the war for that reason alone (from his standpoint).

“John Bolton, Bush’s U.N. ambassador, told the Washington Examiner that he still believed the war was worth it.”

Worth it to the Bolton, Rumsfeld, and Cheney family trusts.

Not so much to a million dead Iraqis. Or 4,000 dead Americans. Or 30,000 veterans missing limbs and/or brain tissue. Or their families.


Nobody said sweetness and lightness would exist in the region today you feckless dickhead.

But it was not worth it, and every save you and Cheney seem to be under the delusional that it was not in fact the worst foreign policy disaster in our nations history. And it was completely self-inflicted by the fuckheads such as yourself.

Eat shit and… (self-edited for crossing the line)

And who if anyone cares what Bolton thinks?

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We likely could expect that IRAN would be controlled.

Hitchens’s war was on Islam as part and parcel to his disdain (which I share) for all the Abrahamic religions’ and their god concept/claims, not Iraq (which ironically was only one of 2 secular governments in the region). So that is where his befuddled and fucked up support for invading Iraq came from.

And I say that Hitchens’s is as wrong as the day is long on that matter (invading Iraq) as a 100% unapologetic atheist.

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That would be a rational response if he gave a damn about that. But let’s cut to the thick of it vis-à-vis who this all ties back to and who is “regretting it” and why in the here and now. This is for, John Ellis Bush and those in his orbit, only “regrettable” in that it has not turned out like they fantasized it would and how it has made the world view manifestly electoral cyanide for those who were really behind the war and who seek elected office, or need to give cover for same.

He will be advising some GOP candidate on foreign policy. And the PNAC gang that he belongs to doesn’t believe they are done in the region. Not by a long shot. If they get back in power, they will without a doubt take another shot at things there.

So yeah, its kind of important to keep tabs on the guy.

“I still think the decision to overthrow Saddam was correct."

Said my favorite chicken hawk psychopath.

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“John Bolton: No Regrets On Iraq War”

Another of many legitimate reasons he won’t be running for President…among them he couldn’t possibly win.

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John Bolton: No Regrets on Burning in Hell Eternal.

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