Discussion: John Boehner May Sue Obama Again — This Time On Immigration

Discussion for article #232542

yeah orange man of boner since your last lawsuit turned out so well oh wait we still havent heard about that wondefful stunt lawsuit of yours.now your gonna try it again ,they say a broken clock is right twice a day well boners broken clock seems to be missing its hands

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He’s got a funny way of asking if he could mow the White House lawn…


So much for governing. That must be too difficult for the repugs.

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They are a litigious bunch aren’t they?
Forget all that talk you heard them spout about an over-abundance of frivolous lawsuits.
That was soooo yesterday.


What’s the calculation here? I thought it was the smarter political move to sue the president over his environmental EOs because it would allow them to back away from the immigration reform debate yet they could continue to harass the president. They shouldn’t be suing him over anything, but if they insist on doing so one would think they’d choose an issue without such far reaching electoral ramifications. Now they’re going to go out of their way to make certain all Latinos are well aware of just how badly the GOP wants to get rid of them.

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I think maybe I’ve figured out Uncle Thomas’ strategy of never saying anything: animatronical conservative jurists!

When Thomas keels over, presumably out of public view, a crack team of RWNJ taxidermists and animatronicists will be sent in immediately to restore the cadaver to some semblance of its former appearance, and from that point on it will be wheeled in and out of court and conference rooms with exactly no change in quality or quantity of judicial performance.

Once this has succeeded (AND IT MAY ALREADY HAVE DONE SO!), the team will move on to other two older age-vulnerable cons, Kennedy and Scalia. Kennedy shouldn’t be too difficult: he’s not terribly animated to start with, and mumbles a lot; his voice could be projected from somewhere near the stuffed carcass and that’d probably work as well as necessary.

We’ll be a lot more confident where all this is headed when we begin to detect subtle failures in the lip sync between Scalia’s lumpy physog and that snarky voice.

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Well, one of these lawsuits has to stick, right?

Team Hatch or Team McCain?

OK. Obama says he wants to reform the immigration laws in this country
Repubs (predictably) say no, they want no part of it, don’t try it, no way, talk to the hand.
Repubs then berate the president for not doing anything to reform immigration.
Obama does something to address immigration using an EO, saying if Congress wants to change it then pass a bill.
Repubs (predictably) go fucking nuts

Here’s a thought. How about instead of frivolous lawsuits, the GOP do something with their majorities in the House and Senate and actually work on immigration reform.


What did the last lawsuit cost?

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So the “we love the Constitution” crowd thinks that Article 1’s purpose is to usurp what’s in Article 2? POTUS can only do what Congress says is OK? I’d like to see Obama come out strong on this. I’d like to see the media come out strong on this. I won’t hold my breath.

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The Boehner named Sue…
doesn’t have anything better to do.

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Seriously this is what they spend their time on? In the two weeks that Republican’s have held the control in both houses of Congress, they’ve attempted to roll back provisions on Dodd-Frank, change the status of FTE for coverage under ACA, exclude rape exemptions in abortion legislation, and find ways to deport children exempted under President Obama’s EO’s. Have they even attempted to cobble together one bill that wasn’t based off of taking something away from people?


I think the vast majority of Americans simply don’t pay any attention to Congress or what goes on in D.C. I think the majority of Americans that vote decided long ago what Party they vote for regardless of how their Party fails to represent their interests. Congress has to be the luckiest group of cretins in the country. If the masses did pay attention, 99% would lose their seats after one term. I have watched Boehner and McConnell for a long time. Both behave so badly, they are an embarrassment to this country. Neither cares anything for the people that elected them or for the country. They serve a group of wealthy interests and whatever whim their team (the GOP) is pushing at the moment. The contempt these two men have for honorable behavior is the worst I have seen in my lifetime.


Keep a perspective. First, this is a Sahil piece, so heavy on inneundo and what if’s, very light on actual facts or news happening. Secondly, for Boehner to sue AGAIN, he would have had to actually file the first lawsuit…which unless I missed it, has not happened. He finally found some law professor willing to file that case, but I have not heard he actually has done so.

Now as to the actual calculations going on, they are very minor. This is just re floating a balloon to gauge the reaction of his caucus on immigration, nothing more. Boehner is guessing he needs to do something to get the immigration conversation off the table before the 2016 campaign really gets going, and so he thinks he can float the notion of a lawsuit, but never actually file one, and they crazies will be placated. After all, his first non lawsuit worked out well for him…made some noise, the crazies quieted their grumblings and…no lawsuit, election won.

One thing about republicans, if something works they will try it again…even if it had nothing to do with getting the desired result.(The non lawsuit had nothing to very little to do with 2014 election results).


The first one? After he got the door slammed in his face by every law firm in DC, he went the cheap route and got a law professor to take it up for him…though I haven’t heard a peep about it since then. I don’t believe they ever actually filed papers.

So in terms of dollars, it cost very little. In terms of embarrassment, well…Boehner is so far beyond being embarrassed that it doesn’t matter anymore.


John Boehner: Judgment impaired due to consumption of too much merlot.

Smart analysis. I expect we’ll be seeing a lot more of this and from both chambers of Congress. Do something crazy to assuage the crazies and then pass a clean debt ceiling.

Don’t forget, they actually did hire three different law firms, each of which quit after a few days/weeks before they found the law professor. I guarantee you each one of those law firms collected, if not millions, hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal fees before dropping the cases. The kind of lawyer who would take a case like that doesn’t come cheap. Personally, I believe the lawsuits that Boehner and his crew keep attempting are actually a scam to transfer large amounts of money to their buddies legally. They work for two weeks, then back out for one reason or another so the lawsuit never actually has to be filed, but they get to keep all of the money. Pretty nice work if you can get it.

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