Discussion: JoeScar Begs Trump: Stop Letting Your Kids Run Your Campaign! (VIDEO)

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Dump is barely lucid. I think his kids have been running the business for several years, and this is the best they can manage under the circumstances. Sad!

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Joe Joe Joe…of all the things you’re concerned about regarding Trump, it’s that his kids are running the campaign? You’re just now figuring this out, that Trump is a bit of an embarrassment?

But hey, at least the glasses make you look smarter.


I’m not sure Joe has thought this on through.

It’s my impression that the only check on Trump’s megalomania are the children. Take that away and you are left with an unrestrained racist/white nationalist traveling circus.

Trump hates the political pros, often leaving the kids as the only voice of reason.

It was the kids who got him to make at least some policy speeches by teleprompter.

It was the kids who intervened to stop the attack on a Federal judge.

I’m sure their are other instances of the kids returning a reeling Trump to some semblance of sanity.

Joe needs desperately to believe that Trump would make a fine POTUS and standard-barer for his party if only he ran his campaign a little better. Trump’s complete failure of leadership of his campaign and that implication as to the Pres Trump would make seems to have gone unnoticed.


In other news, Joe Scar humps Trump’s leg while Mika looks on appreciatively.


And they think that this approach will work for the presidency inasmuch as they apparently offered almost presidential power to Kasich. How nice to know people will really be voting for Pence for President (while Trump will just be the addle-pated, sleep-deprived figurehead who is more interested in working on his golf swing and applying gilt to all of the White House interiors).


The more the Drumpf-spawn are involved, the more enjoyable the GOP trainwreck.


In fact they want almost no governance and if they elect someone incapable of governing they have met their goal


And hiring really attractive female assistants

This is not a serious show and Joe/Mika are not serious people. So it doesn’t matter wtf they say.


Fox is in the tank for the GOP. CNN is charging hard to play in their league. MSNBC has an entire morning show whose apparent purpose is to hector Trump into PLEASE, PLEASE get your act together in order to beat Hillary. As far as I can tell the entire mainstream broadcast media explicitly wishes and lobbies for a Trump Presidency.
Obama fought 8 years of headwinds in Congress trying to govern. Hillary will need to fight months of GOP backing cable and network news shows to get elected.

I can see the first question to Hillary at an NBC sponsored debate:

“Tell us, Mrs. Clinton, when did you stop beating your wife?!”


If tRump wins expect the WH to become the Trump B&B with gilt covering every room.

Actually trump is very different from those families with old money that I grew up with, they never boasted about what they had, always bought good cars and kept them but none was ever like rush limbaugh or the donald (my mother was the family cook for a wealthy family, which is how I grew up with them and am still friends with them)

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Of course he is right, but would it matter. Trump is going to do exactly what Trump wants to do, professionals be damned. His kids at least know their places.

If Joe isn’t careful he’s going put himself out of the running for the coveted cabinet position of Secretary of Hairspray and Pomade.

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Joe’s wrong, again. Letting the kids run Trumper’s campaign is exactly what he should do. That way it will be certain that he’ll go down the tubes, quickly.

That whole Trump family has the kind of members that assholes look at and say, “Now there is a bunch of assholes.”


Trump does not want to be president. He’s as shocked as anyone that he got the nomination and now that he has it, he’s freaking out. His massive ego will not allow him to accept a loss to a girl, so he’ll make up a reason to leave before Hillary beats him. JoeScar simply doesn’t believe that Trump wants to lose and that is why the campaign is such a clown show. It’s gonna be greatness to hear Trump explain how it is he lost the biggest “deal” he’s ever pretended to work for.

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Exactly true, but remember who owns Fox, CNN and MSNBC, some of the biggest media companies in the world. They are all focused exclusively on making a profit. The Cable News audience is aging rapidly. Very few people under 60 watch Joe Scar. Joe Scar is playing for a piece of the Cable News demographic.He has to say what he thinks white conservatives want to hear.

We can’t rely on the media to save us or be honest about Hillary. Saving America isn’t part of their business model. Trashing Hillary makes all of them profitable.

Well, Moanin’ Ho, for years your party has claimed that “the people” know better than the Washington “insiders.” Another meme coming back to bite you in your pasty flabby ass.


As if there’s anyone on that campaign with an emotional age over 15.