Discussion for article #226684
Discussion: Joe The Plumber: Hold A Job Fair In Ferguson, Protestors Will 'Scatter Like Cockroaches'
Yeah, breaking news: Joe the Plumber, the Republican poster boy, is a racist pig.
But this is not news.
Is conservative pundit an actual job?
Somehow I think posting stupid stuff on Facebook really isn’t work.
Dumb fuck says dumb shit. We’re surprised?
HAHA, Mr. CLEan mAKEs GOOd POINt. IT’s fuNNY becaUSE it’s TRuE!!!1!!111!!!one!!!1!!!
Speaking of cockroaches, How the hell are you, “Joe”?? Still a bigoted moron, I see; good to know that some things never change. And here I’d almost forgotten this little shit even existed…thanks, TPM, for reminding me that pond scum still posts to FB.
Says the guy who raised his kids on public assistance.
I wonder if these days he’s paying his taxes?
Thanks again, John McCain. You gave us Sarah Palin. You gave us this numbskull. Go count your houses.
There would be a hell of a lot less demonstrators if they had jobs to go to.
No jobs + bad cops = powder keg.
Hey Joe, host a jobs fair see how many do show up. BITCH!
Joe is a sick puppy like the town government and police. Without their scheme, no job and can’t win an election. Who needs cockroaches when you have so many gutter rats?
Not-Joe the Not-Plumber is an odious little shitweasel—on top of being a thorough-going racist.
And now, we’d like to turn the mike over to the skinhead contingency. Welcome to FacePalm Joe.
Yet another of the great intellectual thought leaders of the Republican Party weighs in with his totally not racist opinion on the issues of the day.
Republicans say a lot of racist shit for a group that isn’t racist.
I’m so happy that John McCain unleashed two of the dumbest fuckers alive onto the American public.
What is it with Republicans and projection?
Well, I see he has gone full SKINHEAD now.
Has John McCain “Liked” these postings yet?
I understand Mediaite posting this. Why TPM?