Discussion: Joe The Plumber: 'Guns Are Mostly For Hunting Down Politicians'

it would be if “news” folks would quit talking to him and websites would quit posting the crap he says…hello TMP?

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How is this not an implied threat against public officials? This asshole needs a visit from the Secret Service. Then he needs to be ignored. Another pathetic legacy of the McCain run.

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A new leading contender for the Republican vice=presidential nomination.

I may never forgive Obama for talking to this moron.

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So Hitler now is a GOOD guy with a gun since he was the one who shot Hitler dead?

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He forgot, Rabin, Ghandi, Sadat, Lennon and Kennedy.

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That link contains another link that refutes the “anti-gun” accusation, genius. And it’s pure trollery, Trolly McTrollerson, to introduce (off-topic) some example of someone (allegedly) among the “libs” doing something hypocritical. It doesn’t address the merits and drawbacks of any political idea. But then again, trolls don’t do that in an honest and informed way, because they can’t.

Why is this man not in jail for threatening public officials?

The dolts who ran the McCain campaign left us with not one, but two plagues on the public discourse: Palin and this blowhard. And their 15 minutes should have been up ages ago.

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Amen, brother. On all counts

John McCain’s main man.

People who use guns to hunt down politicians are also known as insurrectionists or treasonous revolutionaries.

Abimael Guzmán of Peru’s Shining Path used guns exactly as Joe the plumber thinks they should be used. So did Che Guevara.

Planning insurrection is not part of free speech. The government has every right to search down and arrest such individuals - or send out a drone to their known position.

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“Guns are mostly for hunting down politicians…”

Nah… there mostly for paranoid, authoritarian personality who lack impulse control. They are the nipple on the bottle of warm hate from which you suckle.

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looking forward to the time when his child finds a loaded weapon inside Joe’s trailer and it “accidentally” discharges.

Dear “Joe the (never was) a Plumber”: Shut the fuck up you asshole.
You are dangerously close to a visit from the Secret Service (which I think is you actual “Plan” to get more attention (i.e. MONEY) from the Reich-Wingers.)
Get a real job.

Does this guy think he’ll get more chicks, or something, talking like this? Since he is in the media view, he should be watched only because he is a trigger happy moron in plain sight. Sickening a**hole just might pull the trigger someday soon, don’t you think?

Threatening to kill democratically elected officials? Classy, very classy. the others are just sort of right win tropes. A baseball bat would do quite well really and would be more handy than a hand gun. Those should be in safes, especially away from kids. If the intruder is the normal burgler he wants in and out with as much stuff as possible. He will not be looking for a fight. There are definitely violent exceptions, but I am always told we should not use those as the default.

The rape thing is complicated, a gun would not prevent most of those either. The majority of rapes are from someone the woman knows. She is not likely to shoot the guy and it would be to late at that point to use a guy. I do not make light of it, but it has more to do with changing the culture with men than it does with arming women per se.

Yeah. I think Joe meant he could use one to come “into” power, like these others… power… more power… gun=power=Joe=Power=Goooooodddddd.

You would think with that HUGE head, there would be functioning brain in there with a Limbic System intact… but alas, only the Reptilian complex made it in this one…

Maybe police need to do a welfare visit to Joe’s house, it appears that he is coming unglued.

guess which smells worse??? LOL

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