Discussion for article #224285
All that segment proved is that Nicolle Wallace can actually count to 19…
Yeah, the GOP never gets any play for their issues. You know, like Judy Miller didn’t help sell the lies about Iraq.
What’s stunning is that no one ever investigated why a dead intern was found in Scarborough’s office. Also why MSNBC keeps him on the air.
joey shumck,nobody cares,go away.
In a comment thread on The Hill website a T’bagger linked to a poll insisting that 71% of Americans want a Special Prosecutor for the IRS scandal.
The poll was from April 2013.
The George W. Bush administration intentionally and willfully outed a deep undercover CIA operative in revenge for her husband publicly exposing the lie that Iraq had imported Yellow Cake Uranium from Niger. Then they erased Millions of emails pertaining to the plot. And Joe Scarborough was outraged. Not!!!
“This is why conservatives don’t trust national newspapers,” Scarborough said.
No, Joe, conservatives don’t trust the national media because they’re fucking morons who live in a hermetically sealed bubble where they suck their thumbs and imagine themselves victims of everyone from brown people to independent women. They don’t trust anyone not telling them exactly what they want to hear.
I have such a visceral and stabby hate for both Morning Joe and his equally idiotic, submissive sidekick who is a huge embarrassment to strong women. A lot of liberals like to live tweet their hate watching of Morning Joe. I’ve repeatedly asked that people tune out. His ratings are already abysmal, Liberals shouldn’t be inadvertently keeping him alive.
I’ll take Scooter Libby for $200
What? You mean that’s not what he meant?
Failed Ex-congressman that isn’t even a journalist, says what? So, he has some ability to read a newspaper? Imagine that. How quickly he’s determined to change the subject when the story isn’t to his liking or fit his failed one-note narrative. That’s the real “tell” here.
BTW, those emails were part of a computer crash from a time that preceded any issue over the IRS bullshit that the GOTP keeps carping about. Last night on one of MSNBC’s shows they also said that they have access to most of those emails anyway from the recipients at the other end of those mailings. So page 19 of the NYT seems about right to me. This is still no matter how much they want to spin it, much to do about nothing.
And seriously TPM, Autorun? Arrrghhh!
I must have died and gone to hell - I can’t stop that auto run and I am doomed to listen to Joe and Mika for eternity!
Thank you – I hate those auto-run videos, too!
Meanwhile, I am also seriously PO’d at NPR, whose newscasts on the IRS thing insist on saying that the IRS targeted conservative and Tea Party groups, which was disproved some time ago when it was discovered that they were using the same standards on left-leaning groups as well. What they were doing to try to filter through the applications may have been in breach of officially sanctioned procedure, but it was not directed at any particular ideology, and in fact it proved to be a more accurate indicator of what actually merited additional scrutiny than the official standards which were in place. (That is, it did a better job of pinpointing applications that were problematic while picking up fewer “false positives” in the process.)
Some ingenious person created a timeline and by their own record agree with the Daily Beast article that showed that Lerner’s computer was down before the IG report by about 13 days ( if I remember correctly).
Joe needs to update his information - NYT was actually doing the GOP a favor by not putting this on their front page. http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2014/06/23/the-woman-at-the-center-of-the-irs-scandal-must-be-clairvoyant.html
Yes, how dare a paper cover a local story with national implications on their front page when they could put crazy people blatherings about a non-story in that spot.
Wonder if they ran that same question today showing how much in taxpayer money is going for all these sham investigations, if they would have a different opinion. With teabaggers…probably not.
Its OK by them if its other people’s money to advance your own political GOTP aims, but if its anything for the common good…no way, then it’s big gubmint run amok. Unfortunately, there’s a whole lot of small-minded idiots out there with an inability to assess real corruption when its staring them in the face.
Why do I click on these stories that are sure to make me ill? Why have I not learned my lesson yet?
Why are you surprised that NPR would do this? I am surprised that people believe NPR is credible in its reporting!!
People get their news from newspapers? People with a PC or tablet, which is everyone? Who the hell even thinks about what “page” an article is on? You surf until you find what interests or concerns you, from multiple sites. A newspaper? OMG, you’ve got to be kidding.