Discussion for article #227791
Joe is in both parties so I doubt he has any following, even around the coal issue. Black lung disease and diarrhea of the mouth.
“Alison has the courage to stand up to those in her party who try to deny that coal will be a vital part of our energy for decades to come…”
So, screw you and Alison too. How’s that workin’ for ya, coal monkey?
Manchin is a democrat?
Speaking as the grandson and great-grandson of two immigrant coal miners, one of whom died in a rock fall on the job, the other of whom never lived to see retirement, I for one would like to know what in the hell “clean coal” is?
Are we going to have a rerun of the Hatfields (West Virginia) vs. McCoys (Kentucky) before this race is over.
stopped clock etc
It’s what powers the Star-Ship Enterprise.
Read how “Clean Coal” is helping the miner’s!
If it helps get rid of McTurtle, I’m for it. The Senators from West (by Gawd!) Virginia, Kentucky and Pennsylvania can futiley stand united for Coal Forever, and the rest of us will enjoy the future as it unfolds.
I’ll be very pleased to see them voting with us on worker rights, healthcare, non-coal environmental issues (fracking fans–best stand by with the Coal Crowd), and general sanity.
I don’t mind much a few carbon skeletons in certain Senators’ closets!
Joe Manchin Subtly Jabs McConnell By Praising Dem Grimes On Coal
Mitch McConnell wishes he had a man chin.
A fantasy.
By any means necessary!